Chapter 11

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Audrey's POV

During the night I had napped a bit, and wondered why the hell did it take so long for him to revive. I sighed and closed my eyes yet again. Then he of course decided to wake up with a loud gasp and scare me wake.

When I realized what was happening I rushed to him in panic.

"Elijah," I said dryly and tried to take a hold of him.

"Katerina!" he whisper yelled and backed down a bit. I frowned and shook my head rabidly.

"No, it's Audrey."

"Oh my god," Elijah was able to stutter out. Somehow he wasn't able to speak, or breath. Then he closed his eyes and relaxed his body. I frowned and tried to get closer but backed down again when his body spasmed.

"I can't-I can't breathe! What's happening to me?" he asked and got up. I jumped up as well and looked at him with a deep frown.

"Oh my god. You can't be in here."

He rushed over to the door but stopped on the doorway and I felt like the house shook. Then he continued on speeding out. I ran after him, up the stairs into the hall. He was standing behind the door frame and I walked over to him, but stayed safe, in the house. He tried to enter making me shift.

"What happened?" he asked, looking angry. I placed my finger over my mouth, making him to shut up.

"I'll tell you somewhere else. Can I trust you?"

"Can I trust you?" Elijah asked so I decided to show him the dagger. First he hesitated but then took it.

"Now can we go?" I asked and arched my brow.


I parked Damon's car somewhere on the side of the road. Before leaving I had stacked the car full off blood bags and now Elijah was enjoying one.

"You stole Damon's car?" he raised his brows at me and I raised my shoulder with a smirk.

"What can I say, I appreciate a pretty car," I glanced at him still a smirk on my face. He chuckled slightly but soon he had the same serious face. "You look a lot better now."

"Where did you get the dagger?" Elijah asked very seriously.

"I'll tell you, but first I need your help. And your word."

"Your ability to make demands has long passed," Elijah said and directed his eyes front.

"When have I ever had the ability to make demands Elijah? You and I both know that you broke your word and made a deal with Elena, not me. So excuse me if I make demands, but I am making them. I can as easily place this dagger back into your sweet heart," I said with hints of anger and cockyness coming from my words. "I am offering my help and in return I want yours. Take the deal."

"And why should I even consider this?" Elijah looked back at me. I turned my body towards him and locked our gazes.

"Because you want to kill Klaus just as much as we do. We need each other," I said and pressured the word need. I could notice my eyes fall from his eyes to his lips once in a while, but I shook the thoughts of his lips away from my mind.

Elijah smirked at me and I knew he'd noticed it too.

"Oh get over yourself," I was able to say before my phone started to ring. I dug it from my pocket and looked at the caller ID. Stefan. I answered it with a perky voice and a sweet smile.

"Hello Stefan," I said smiling like a devil.

"Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Yes Stefan, I'm fine."

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