Chapter 2

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Chapter 2  

Kay galloped across the misty meadow, the freshness of the morning sun warming her face. The small stone chapel grew steadily closer. Soon she could make out Leland and Eli standing before it, waiting for her with welcoming smiles. Eli took her reins as she pulled in, holding her horse while she dismounted, leading her steed off to the small lean-to which served as their stables.

Leland pushed open the small wooden door to the chapel. “So, Kay, you survived the first night,” he offered dryly. She looked around the familiar building as she stepped into the cozy room. There were a pair of short wooden pews on either side of the doorway. A simple wooden altar at the front was topped by a carven statue of Mary. A hanging curtain covered a doorway to the right which she knew led to a small living area, undoubtedly where Leland and Eli were spending their nights.

Leland moved to a small trunk behind the altar, opening it and pulling forth a leather jerkin. Kay put her arms up while Leland slipped the jerkin over her head, snugged it into place. Next he brought out a belt and scabbard, strapping that around her waist. She drew the sword out of its sheath, giving it a sweeping spin, her smile growing.

She looked up to Leland with a twinkle in her eye. “Well, shall we?” The two made their way out to the small clearing tucked in behind the chapel.

Kay enjoyed her hour of training immensely, moving through blocks, strikes, and guard positions with Leland. He was a man of infinite patience, of great talent, and she counted herself lucky to have his dedicated time for these weeks.

It seemed all too soon when she was stripping off her gear, climbing onto her horse, riding across the growing golden day back to her home. She threw the reins to Stephen with a smile as she pulled into the stables, knowing the stout, red-headed lad would take good care of her steed as always. His younger sister, Molly, played by the stable walls, her ringlets framing her face as she nuzzled a pair of small, grey kittens.


Kay ran up the spiral stairs with light feet, coming into the solar with a renewed heart.

A laugh erupted from her lips as she gazed around. Em had somehow rigged up a long rod across the back part of the room, and floor-to-ceiling curtains hung across the full length. The black fabric was pulled shut, covering the entire back wall with their darkness.

Kay grinned in merry amusement. “Are you in there?” she called out to the velvet.

A low, ominous voice oozed from behind the thick fabric. “Oooooooo – I am the blackness, I am the night,” intoned Em sonorously before the giggles overcame her. A hand pulled aside one of the panels of fabric, and Kay saw that her blonde sister was lounging back on a thickly cushioned chair, her feet resting comfortably on a plush footstool. A table at Em’s side held a tankard as well as a silver platter of cheese and grapes.

“Oh, my,” smiled Kay, shaking her head. “You are all set for this experience.”

Em tossed her head at the plush couch and leather chair set up on the forward side of the curtain, a low wooden table positioned between the two. A large pitcher of mead sat on the table, as well as a pair of mugs and a wicker basket of bread.

“I am looking out for you too,” Em assured, her eyes sparkling.

Kay plunked herself down on the couch, putting up her feet along its length. She reached over and poured herself out a healthy portion of mead, then leant back on the couch arm, stretching in relaxation.

Kay found herself blissfully content with the idea of the coming fun. “So, do we have any idea what order the husbands-to-be decided on?”

“Not at all,” responded Em with a shrug of her shoulders. She slid the curtains shut between them again, vanishing from view. “Only time will tell!”

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