Chapter 8

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Chapter 8  

Galeron was talking, saying something, going through the list on his tablet, and Kay knew she should be focused, should be paying attention, but she just could not do it. All she could think of was the rage billowing from Jack’s face as he turned to launch his fist into the side of her head. She forced it from her mind, deliberately replaced the thought with the security, the tenderness in Reese’s hand as he held hers.

Her heart skipped a beat as thoughts chased each other pell-mell through her brain. Soon it would be down to two men. Soon, maybe in only a few days, she would have to reveal the truth to Reese, that she had been deceiving him this entire time.

Would he understand? Would he see it was simply part of the game?

And what of the man now sitting at her side? Galeron had been so helpful with his diligence and his note taking. She almost hated to see him go. Would he be willing to stay, perhaps as captain of the guard? Would he be upset with her as well?

Soon her sister would be gone, back to her husband, raising a family. She would miss Em desperately. Everything was changing so quickly. She just wanted time to hold still, to give her a moment to breathe, to figure out what was going on -

“Kay?” asked Galeron with a hint of amusement. “Are you in there? I will be heading out now for my morning ride. Are you sure you do not want me to fetch you anything?”

Kay shook her head, coming back to the present. At least her head was no longer swimming with every movement. Galeron was standing, smiling down at her.

She ventured a half smile. “I apologize, it was a long night. I am quite set. Enjoy your ride, it looks to be a lovely day.”

Galeron chuckled. “Indeed, I would venture to say almost perfect.” He bowed again toward the curtain, then turned and headed out the door with a quick stride.

Em’s voice came through the curtain the moment the door closed behind him. “Are you sure you are all right, Kay? You are acting quite oddly.”

Kay stood and went to the window, making sure her hair fell well in front of her face as she did so. Em might be behind a thick curtain, but she was certainly capable of peering out when they were alone, and Kay did not want her sister getting upset in any way. The situation was almost done with. Jack simply needed to be talked to and then sent on his way. They had already dealt with two of the suitors smoothly. Number three was about to face his end.

“I am just finding it harder each time, that is all,” she offered to her sister, which was true. She had thought each suitor would be more and more alike as they got to the end, but to her surprise she was finding their level of malfeasance to be escalating. “With his issues of temper, we do not want him around our people. Lord Weston’s men will be waiting to take him into custody.”

“It is certainly shocking that he roughed up an innocent child,” agreed Em. Kay winced. She hated misleading her sister, but the woman was pregnant after all. She would tell her the full details once the child was safely born and Em was back in the loving care of her husband.

She drew in a long breath, looking out over the courtyard, past the wall and trees to the ridge which ran above the poorly named Lover’s Lane. A row of covered wagons sat along the ridge, and she nodded in satisfaction. The castle workmen would get the wheels fixed up in no time, and the village harvest could go on without further problem.

There was a sharp rap at the door, and Kay started in surprise. It had begun. She had to trust in her sister’s eloquent skills to make this work out properly. Her hand dropped to the knife at her hip. Either that or she had to trust that the guard outside the door, and Reese’s ready blade, would keep the situation under control.

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