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Here are the novels in this series. While they do have an 'order' in sense of the sword being passed from heroine to heroine, they can be read in any order. Each has its own set of characters and is set in its own location. All are available on Amazon.

Knowing Yourself

Finding Peace

Believing Your Eyes

A Sense of Duty

Trusting in Faith

Creating Memories

Sworn Loyalty

Lady in Red

In A Glance

Badge of Honor

Seeking the Truth

Looking Back

Seeing a Ghost

Wearing a Mask

Being Aware

Becoming Whole

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To my mom, dad, siblings, and family members who encouraged me to indulge myself in medieval fantasies. I spent many long car rides creating epic tales of sword-wielding heroines and the strong men who stood by their sides. Jenn, Uncle Blake, and Dad were awesome proofers.

To Peter and Elizabeth May, who patiently toured me around England, Scotland, and France on three separate occasions. Elizabeth offered valuable tips on creating authentic scenes. Visiting the Berkhamsted motte and bailey was priceless.

To Jody, Leslie, Liz, Sarah, and Jenny, my friends who enjoy my eclectic ways and provide great suggestions. Becky was my first ever web-fan and her enthusiasm kept me going!

To the editors at BellaOnline, who inspire me daily to reach for my dreams and to aim for the stars. Lisa, Cheryll, Jeanne, Lizzie, Moe, Terrie, Ian, and Jilly provided insightful feedback to help my polishing efforts.

To the Massachusetts Mensa Writing Group for their feedback and enthusiastic support. Lynn, Tom, Ruth, Carmen, Al, and Dean all offered detailed, helpful advice!

To the Geek Girls, with their unflagging support for my expanding list of projects and enterprises. Debi's design talents are amazing. I simply adore the covers she created for me.

To the Academy of Knightly Arts for several years of in-depth training and combat experience with medieval swords and knives. I loved sparring with Nikki and Jo-Ann!

Knowing Yourself - A Medieval RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now