Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 

A wave of exhaustion tumbled over Kay, and she let her head fall into her hands for a long moment, desperately marshaling her strength. Her legs throbbed in pain, her shoulders ached, her eyes were having trouble staying focused. She could not remember the last night she had slept soundly. Maybe if she spared a few hours to rest, she would be primed to assist when night fell and the outside forces were able to move into action.

She shook her head, pushing aside the thought with force. She could not let her men come into the situation blind. It was her duty to scout out the situation, to know where the guards had been stationed and to do all she could to help the invasion succeed.

She chuckled wryly as she pushed herself back to a standing position. Of all things, for her to be planning an attack on Serenor! Only a few days ago it would have seemed the most unlikely scenario she could possibly imagine.

She moved slowly over to the door, cautious of her injured legs, and pulled it open. There were no guards stationed on the other side, and the staircase seemed quiet. She took the steps with care, making her way down the long spiral to the first floor. Several men lounged at the various tables, sipping at ale or playing dice. One or two looked up at her approach, then dismissed her without a second glance.

Good. She would not be watched as she went about her explorations.

She moved back into the stairwell, continuing down to the lower floor. Her first order of business was to examine the cellar again, to clear out any boxes or bags which might block the tunnel wall. She wanted the incursion to be as risk-free as possible for Reese and the others.

She reached the barracks floor, and again the few men present paid her little heed as she moved back toward the storeroom and cellar door area. She just had to round the corner and …

Kay froze in unbelieving shock. An iron frame had been bolted to the stonework around the door, holding a thickly grilled portcullis in place. A pair of hinges on one side would let the gate swing free, but a sturdy lock hung from the other edge, securely keeping the metal grid closed.

Kay fought to keep from sinking to her knees in abject horror. There was no way the men could get through that metal in one evening, never mind without attracting the attention of every soldier within the keep complex. The plan was lost. She was lost. She was trapped in Serenor, of her own volition, and tomorrow her family would abandon her to her fates. Reese would leave her … she felt her world close in on her, drowning her …

“It is a bit of a shock, I know,” came a calm voice over her shoulder.

She drew in a long breath, not turning to face Galeron, not wanting him to see how much the grill had affected her. She fought to keep her voice as steady as she could. “Yes, I had not expected changes so soon,” she agreed.

Galeron came quickly around to her side, his eyes sharp. “You sound awful,” he commented, looking down at her. “What is it?”

Kay looked down, her mind racing. She could not allow him to be suspicious. There had to be a way to salvage the situation, if only she could think. But her mind was fuzzy, exhausted …

“I think I need some food,” she admitted truthfully. “Between my leg wound, and the events -”

“Of course!” agreed Galeron, his gaze gentling. “I should have realized that myself. I apologize. Here, come to the pantry. A meal is exactly what you need.”

He took her arm and escorted her around the corner through the workroom. Kay’s heart dropped even further. A similar metal grill was now on the pantry door as well, sealed with a solid lock.

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