Chapter 18

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Chapter 18  

Kay pressed herself to the front of the group, her voice the barest of whispers. “Let me take the lead, at least for now,” she suggested, her hand on the door. “If I am spotted, no alarm will be raised. I can act as a scout for as long as we can remain unseen.”

Reese’s brow furrowed, but he nodded quietly. “You stay nearby,” he instructed, his tone brooking no argument.

“Of course,” agreed Kay. In a moment she had cautiously pulled back the basement door, then peered through the metal grate toward the quiet barracks. The room was completely still now, only the sound of a chorus of snores emanating from the dark room. All soldiers were taking every opportunity for rest before the battle to come.

She nodded with her head, and one by one the crew began sliding off to the left, staying in the shadows, moving their way along the back edge of the work room and toward the narrow servant’s stair which led between here and the floor above. This smaller path allowed food and supplies to be brought up to the main dining hall without disturbing any sleeping soldiers.

Reese motioned his hand toward the wall nearer to the barracks. Half the men crept to press their bodies against it. One soldier acted as a lookout, peering carefully around the corner at the slumbering soldiers.

Kay took the lead again, moving cautiously to the narrow stairs, working her way up them one at a time, the pain in her legs reminding her that she was far from healed. At the top of the stair she peered out into the main hall. She was in an alcove behind the head table. The embers glowed softly from the fireplace, but otherwise the large room was deserted. Everyone was either sound asleep or manning the walls, watching for any sign of danger.

She breathed a sigh of relief and slowly, carefully, the remaining crew made their way across the expanse, working around tables and stools, reaching the other side after long minutes of tense care.

Another motion from Reese, and the other half of the men moved their way silently down the front stairs, cutting off the second egress from the barracks. Only Reese, Leland, Jevan, and Eric remained with Kay. Reese started up the stairs first, ensuring Kay was safely nestled between him and Leland. They took the stairs slowly, cautiously, alert at every step for the sound of metal on metal, the sign that the battle had been raised below.

The keep echoed in its silence.

They reached the top landing, and Reese carefully pressed the door open, peered inside, then waved the group in. The room was stark in the deep night, shafts of moonlight streaming in the row of windows, creating a patchwork of light and dark that patterned the floor. The three doors on the far wall were closed.

Kay tapped Reese on his shoulder. “Let me lure Galeron out,” she whispered. “If you can take him unawares, that only leaves Jack to deal with.”

Reese’s eyes held hers for a long moment, then he nodded in agreement. The four men moved to stand in the deep shadows on either side of the master bedroom doorway. When they were set, Kay took in a deep breath, then approached the sturdy wooden door.

She gave a gentle knock on it, calling out, “Galeron, I need to talk with you.”

There was an answering creak of motion almost immediately, then the thud of feet on floor. Kay took several steps backwards, moving clear of the door area, standing in a dark strip between shafts of moonlight so her form would be hidden. She did not want Galeron to spot her sword or armor until it was too late.

The door creaked open, and Galeron emerged from his room, running his hand through his curls as he shook the sleep from his eyes. “To be called by your voice in the middle of the night,” he mused, his lips curling in a smile. “Few things could be higher on my list. Just what would your pleasure be? Feeling lonely already, are we?”

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