Law and Order

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No sleep. Just closing her eyes to the sight of Wells' body brought shivers up Luisa's spine. She watched as Miller buried his body and she set flowers on top of it to clear the unsettling feeling before they went inside the wall.

"It's the life we live now," Miller said and he drifted off to the food shelter. A tent opened and Clarke eyed her to come in and she went over to see Bellamy and Finn were already there.

"We have a killer on our hands," Bellamy spoke, crossing his arms. "But how do we catch a killer in a handful of delinquents?" Finn questioned. "Some have done worse." "One by one, someone comes inside and writes they did it so it's anonymous," Luisa suggested. "But when we catch them, what are we going to do then?" Clarke asked and they fell silent.

"Whatever the hell we want!" Murphy's voice shouted and they all started chanting to bring them out. "Shut up Murphy," Bellamy exclaimed and the crowd quieted.

"We have Grounders," Luisa started. "Acid fog and now we have a murder? What the hell is going on?! The ground isn't what we thought it was so we have to adapt to the changes! If we can't fix ourselves, how are we supposed to deal with them?" "Execute the person who killed Wells!" someone shouted and some agreed. "It doesn't matter, no one liked him anyway," Murphy chuckled and her fist met his jaw.

"I say we float 'em!" Murphy exclaimed and the crowd roared, continuing their chants and Clarke pulled her back in the tent.

"See what you've done," Clarke said, glaring at Bellamy. "We don't have rules for them to follow and now that we've called ourselves leaders, they don't listen." "I say we call a Grounder to install fear, that'll shape them up," Luisa commented.

She grabbed the knife that Jasper had found next to Wells' finger and played with it. It fit one her two fingers and it looped around a few times before she stopped at the inside.

"Murphy," she whispered and they glanced at her. "What?" Clarke asked. "Murphy," she repeated, showing them the engraving. "Does that mean..." Finn trailed off and they made eye contact, quickly going outside.

"Murphy," she called out and he turned with the crowd quieting behind him. She held up the knife, saying, "Did you kill Wells?" He took the blade and checked it with disbelief forming across his face. "It's yours isn't it?" Clarke questioned and he silently lifted his head.

"I know I didn't like him, but I wouldn't kill him," he told them. She exhaled, knowing that he didn't do from the look on his face and the way his eyes stared deeply into hers. But before she could speak again, someone yelled, "Float him!" The delinquents crowded him, throwing punches and kicks as she tried to stop them but someone pushed her back.

She watched horridly as they picked him up, taking him to a tree and continued their shouts. Tying a noose of a tree and placing it over his head, they tugged them rope that lifted him off the ground.

"Bellamy!" Luisa shouted. "Stop them now!" He looked between the gagging Murphy and the mob. "We give the people what they want," he announced and she was baffled. She walked back and picked up the knife Murphy dropped and pushed her way through the crowd, holding the blade to his neck. "Take him down," she demanded and his eyes glistened.

Bellamy held him by the legs as Finn cut the rope and Murphy dropped, gasping for air and his face turned to its normal color under his bloody nose. "Get back to work or we will all die!" she yelled and the mob dispersed. Clarke tended to Murphy and she and Octavia carried him into he dropship as Luisa returned to the tent.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she questioned angrily when Bellamy walked in. "You don't want justice for Wells?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Justice?" she repeated. "Murphy didn't do it! Even if we don't catch the killer, we can't be caught up on that if we have other problems. If we execute people for the wrong doings like the Ark, there will be no one to fight the Grounders."

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