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Luisa ordered a few guys to move Finn into an empty tent so he wouldn't take up space in the dropship as Raven connected the radio to a screen part from her pod. She went up the ladder, opening the latch to see Bellamy contemplating his life.

When he saw her, he rolled his eyes as she stepped in. "I'm sorry about what happened," she apologized and he exhaled, keeping his eyes on the huffing Grounder. "As long as you didn't do it, it's fine," he said.

The latch opened and Miller's head popped in. "I told Diggs and Mbege's parents they're dead," he informed them. "I'll be telling Roma's parents soon." "Thanks, Miller," Bellamy nodded before he left.

Luisa took a long glance at him and the Grounder before going down the ladder and outside to the dewy sky. She managed a smile when Jasper and Monty did self-high fives, tossing what they called jobi nuts, into their mouths.

Octavia came out of a tent and motioned for her to enter. Inside, she was helping the awoken Finn drink water as Clarke checked his bandages. "I heard you helped save me," he chuckled and she nodded, pulling Octavia out.

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday," she said. "I trust you, Luisa," Octavia said. "Just get me alone with him and it's even." "Luisa, the Big Three want to talk with you!" Raven called out from the dropship and she went over. "Finn's awake," she told her and she rushed out.

Luisa stared at the lit monitor before putting on the headset and sat down. On the screen, she could see the council but Abby wasn't there. "Where's doc?" she asked. "Abby was relieved from the council but remains the doctor," Diana Sydney told her. "And I'm her... replacement."

"We heard from Raven Reyes that there are other survivors with you," Jaha began and she nodded. "How many are dead?" "I figure Miller talked to a few parents and that leaves us at eighty-seven kids," she said. "What about my son, Wells?" Jaha asked and her head lifted to see Clarke come in.

"Wells..." Clarke trailed off, keeping her eyes locked on the screen, emotionless. "Was killed by a girl named Charlotte who committed suicide. We thought John Murphy killed him but we were wrong and he is now banished from the camp." She saw Jaha take a deep breath before continuing, "What was her reason?" "She couldn't handle the sight of his face that reminded her of you floating her parents."

"Why did you banish John Murphy?" Sydney asked. "Threat to society and we couldn't have him if we wanted to instate rules," she explained blatantly.

"What about Finn Collins? Abby said he was dying," Kane said. "Perfectly fine now. A Grounder poisoned him and I made him give up the antidote," Luisa told him. "And how did you do that?" Jaha asked. "If they don't speak." "We've changed the moment you sent us to the ground, don't expect us to be unicorns again," she snapped.

"Besides the point, we have a problem on our hands," Clarke said. "The other day after the storm, our supplies were wiped out. Soon, winter will come and we will freeze to death before we starve." Raven called for Clarke and she had to tend to her needs, leaving Luisa with the council again.

"We can find a solution to that problem soon," Jaha said. "We will resume the meeting in a short time." He got up, followed by the rest of the council members and Kane stayed on the chat.

"You've done good so far," he complimented. "Learned from the best," she managed a smile. "Have you floated grandma?" "Yes," he said softly. "I even visited her tree during her hippie memorial." "That's something I would've loved to see," she chuckled. "But she wasn't a hippie, dad, she was woke and wise."

Her head perked up to see Bellamy had come down the ladder and she waited for him to leave before making a whistle and Octavia entered. They made eye contact as she watched her go up the ladder.

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