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Luisa flipped through Lincoln's book as Clarke managed to change the clot in Raven's bullet hole that Murphy gave her before fleeing. A picture of a viscous Grounder was sketched on a page and she traced a hand over it.

"They're called Reapers," Finn said. She glanced at him, tying her hair into a ponytail, and exhaled. "You won't be able to walk but it should hold," Clarke told Raven as Bellamy entered. The tension grew between the two but she avoided his presence.

"All of the gunners are at their post," he said. "Land mines should keep 'em in front of us and we'll use the grenades wisely." "What if we run out of firearms?" Finn asked. "Then we stay inside and pray our asses off," Raven huffed.

"What about fire," Luisa suggested and they looked at her. "Blow them all up." "Rocket fuel," Clarke elaborated with a nod. "That could work," Raven said but she looked down in irritation. "I know a few things in engineering since Monty isn't here," Luisa spoke up. "And Jasper can help." Raven nodded as she called out for Jasper who handed his gun to someone else and they went under the first floor.

"Raven, what are we looking for?" Jasper called out as Luisa held the light. "A manual ignition system," she said aloud with a small grunt. His hand followed a wire as she watched to make sure it was the correct one. "The first time Sinclair's training comes in handy," she joked, hearing Raven's snicker.

When Jasper's hand stopped, they found the wire had been cut and they groaned in frustration. "What's wrong?" Raven asked. "It's been cut," she told her. There was no response from above and she popped her head through the latch.

"I can't feel my legs," she whispered. "Clarke!" Luisa shouted and she and Finn rushed in to check on Raven. She pulled her body forward and checked her lower back to see it was turning a dark purple.

"Bullet's touching her spine and she has internal bleeding," Clarke said, slowly resting her back. "What about some coagulant to slow it down," Finn thought. "Lincoln has some." But before they could answer, he was already gone.

"Major, what do we do now?" Luisa asked. "Uh..." Raven panted. "Find an orange wire and connect it to the snipped ignition wire." She nodded, going back under, and repeated the instructions to Jasper.


Bellamy was in a foxhole with Miller and Monroe, keeping his gun pointed in the dark forest. With the slight anger that was coursing through his veins from her rejection, he was ready to kill Grounders.

His attention switched when a bullet went off from a nearby hole. "Who was that?" he asked in a walkie. "I saw something," they said. "Look!" Gunshots were being fired at something Bellamy couldn't see and shouted for them to stop. "They want us to run out of ammo," he told them. "Wait till they attack."

From that command, the maneuvering Grounders scurried close and Bellamy ordered them to fire. Land mines went off from the bullet he shot and booby traps were knocking them down. Out of fear, Monroe backed away as Miller was impaled in the shoulder by a spear, and Bellamy was knocked down.

A Grounders was sitting on his chest, gripping their hands around his neck and he struggled to breathe. Trying to release from their hold, a sword pierced through their chest and they dropped.

"Hey, big brother," Octavia said with a faint smile. It faded and she fell on her knee after she'd been shot with an arrow. "O!" he exclaimed, lifting her into his arms.

Wild whoops sounded in the distance and Bellamy turned, seeing what he knew were Reapers, attack the Grounders, distracting them from their original plan. Lincoln appeared and he checked Octavia's leg.

"I can take her," he said. "Bellamy, it's fine," she sighed. He had to think clearly before handing his sister over to him and she smiled at him as Lincoln ran off. He spotted Finn nearby and went over. "Enemy of my enemy is my friend," Finn said.


Kane was squeezed in a small spot on the Ark, contemplating on if he should sacrifice his life by staying behind. He made a decision and stood to make his way to Alpha Station. As he was walking through, hands reached out for him in a thanking way and he glanced back at Abby with a smile.

"Sit down, Marcus," Jaha spoke into his earpiece. "Chancellor," Sinclair called out. "It's what leaders do," Jaha said. "You have a daughter to get back to." Kane obeyed, taking a deep breath, and sat beside Abby, strapping himself with a seatbelt.

"You had the right idea," she whispered. "But it's his choice." "In peace, may you leave this shore," Jaha began over the comms. "In love, may you find the next? Safe passage onto our final journey to the ground, may we meet again." "May we meet again," they mumbled to themselves.

The Ark started to rumble with electricity crackling as it detached from the main ring. Kane held Abby's hand as they felt their bodies inside the spaceship descend.


The sound of gunshots being fired ran chills up Luisa's spine as she struggled to find the orange wire. The shouts of delinquents either dying or retreating pained her, so she had to turn off the walkie talkie.

"Found it," Jasper said, holding up the cut orange wire. "I can splice it and connect it to the ignition system. Get the switch." Luisa popped her head above and Raven passed her the switch she was working on, handing it to Jasper before going above.

She stood beside Clarke and their gaze trailed up to see a meteor shower. "That's the Ark," she whispered, watching it burn into a ball of fire. "They're coming down."

Finn appeared, tossing the coagulant to Clarke and she went inside for Raven. The two that stayed outside, grabbed guns from the dead delinquents and started firing at Grounders who had crossed the gate.

"We are outgunned!" Harper shouted from afar but the gunshots muffled her out. "What?" Luisa questioned. "Outnumbered, Luisa!" she exclaimed. "It's time!" Clarke shouted from inside and she knew Jasper had done it.

"Everyone inside!" she yelled. The gunners finally retreated from their posts and ran inside. Finn was taking down a Grounder with Bellamy and she tried to help but Harper pulled her back from the planned calamity as the door closed.

As it was going up, Anya jumped over and rolled inside. She drew her sword to attack when the doors closed and Luisa held up a handgun to keep her in place. "Now," she ordered and Clarke switched the lever.

"What? Nothing's happening," her voice cracked. Anya tried to move but Luisa shot the door beside her head. "Wait," Jasper muttered and he connected a final wire. "Now." Clarke pushed the lever again and the dropship rumbled with a hum and they could feel the remaining rocket fuel exhaust.

"Kill me," Anya urged. "No," Luisa shook her head, setting down the gun. "You already lost." When the ship rumbled to quietness, she eyed Miller to open the door and he did.

The scent of fire filled her nose as she stepped out towards the morning sun and Anya cried over the scorched skeletons. It finally hit her that Finn and Bellamy could be one of them and she wiped the tear that stripped down her cheek.

The delinquents started to cheer when steel canisters were thrown in front of them and Anya fearfully yelled, "Mountain Men!" as it released red smoke. Green lasers pointed at them as her vision grew hazy and all she could feel was her back touch the ground and see Clarke close her eyes.


The buzzing of light filled Luisa's ears and she woke up to a white light hanging over her head. She lifted to find herself in an all-white room and she stood, crinkling her foot under the cold floor.

There was an IV connected to her arm and she pulled it out, going to the front door. Through the circular window, Monty had caught her attention and was calling out her name. Her eyes trailed to the upright corner and she whispered, "Mount Weather."


Towards the Sun- Rihanna

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