frost perches on washing line whispers to my arms
morse code settles and braille is body's feel
read clearly it winks to blood and will flow
up where thoughts hide it feeds praying mantis and dragonfly
hair is a mess but flying things love it also double taking looks
flit through strands this way and that there is the lemonmoon
that brothers watch and it calls to arms all that are weak
embrace its cold and hold it to this chest it cools the hot heart
it cools the hot heart that burns for love's sake that burns under the creamy moon
that burns for splinter and scrap (all is smoke and mirror)
that burns for words spoken though not
in heart burn on
frost will perch once more spry all welcome
all cool and welcome
Poetrymy personal favourites in one book. these all come from older collections. hardly any of the media belong to me