Chapter 1

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Stannis:He's been poisoned,he never got hurt on a hunt,he would've never die because of a hunt!
Ned:Mistakes happen all the time and Robert was drunk,but the kids...they're not really his,only Lyanna,you must protect her,Cersei sees her as a threat to the crown and so does Joffrey,You must!You're the only family she has left...
Stannis:Bring her here,I'll protect her
Ned:she was promissed to my son,Robb,if everything goes right-
Stannis:we'll marry them,you must go now,they could be following you
Ned nodded and looked at the frightened girl one more time
Ned:good luck little dove
Without further notice Ned left and never came back,only the news of his beheading did,the Lannisters were holding Sansa prisoner and Arya was no where to be seen,Robb Stark had started a war against the Lannister in order to revenge his father

~3months later~

Stannis:We will win this war
Lyanna:what makes you be so sure?They have an army,people are still loyal to Joffrey
Stannis:People will find out what Joffrey really is
Lyanna:Maybe I am too,how do you know?
Stannis:you're not,you have brown hair,and Cersei only started fooling around with her brother after the second boy was born
Lyanna:Gendry...he died of fever
Stannis:That's when your mother decided that her brother would be the best choice
Lyanna:You shouldn't attack King's landing until you have a bigger army...
Stannis:there is no time,and people don't come joining us everyday as you can see
Lyanna:You do you,I'll go talk to Shereen
Stannis:You should start packing after that
Stannis:you're not staying in Westeros,in case anything happens to me,you are the last heir to the throne,you need to be kept safe,you'll sail to Pentos
Lyanna nodded and left the room
*Sheeren's chamber*
Shereen jumped up when she saw her cousin,causing Lyanna to smile while hugging her
Lyanna:What are you doing all day in here?we should go see the gardens
Shereen:mother doesn't let me,she says I'm a disgrace
Lyanna:Your mother is an old crow now no one cares what she thinks
Shereen laughed
Lyanna:I'll leave tomorow morning for Pentos,we might never see each other again so I wanted to give you something...
Lyanna took out a small necklace from a little box,on the necklace there was the sigil of their house
Lyanna:I have one the same,that way we'll alway be conected
Shereen:I love it,thank you
Ser Davos entered the room and saw them both hugging
Lyanna:Ser Davos,didn't see you there,I'll leave you two to it
Lyanna smiled and left

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