Chapter 6

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*later that night*
Lyanna was asleep on a chair next to Robb's bed when a loud gasp filled the room,causing Lyanna's eyes to open wide,she ran next to a now awoke Robb
Lyanna:shhh,lay down Robb it really you or am I dead?
Lyanna:It's really me mother?
Lyanna looked down:they're dead
Robb's eyes filled with tears as Lyanna held him tight
Robb:I'll kill them all...
Lyanna:We'll kill them all,I promise
Second son:Tell me again why we're taking her with us?
Daario:she's very important to me
the second son nodded an walked away
*mext morning*
Lyanna came in Robb's cabin with some water and cloth pieces,when she walked in he was wide awake,he tried to sit up and grunted in pain
Lyanna:You should move less,the wounds will heal faster...
Robb:I was supposed to die,you saved me
Lyanna:If I clean the wounds everyday you should be on your feet in no time
Robb opened his shirt allowing Lyanna to clean his wounds he grunted in pain and grabbed her wrist
Lyanna:sorry I-I didn't mean to
Robb:It's not your fault,if I would'n have been such a fool you wouldn't need to take care of my wounds now
Lyanna:You weren't a fool for falling in love...
Robb:she was trully beautiful,everyone thought I married her for it,but no,I married her for her kindness,she wanted to name the child after my father
Lyanna:You've always reminded me of him,without your father I'd be long dead,and without Daario I would've been raped many times,probably dead...
Lyanna:Oh that's right you didn't meet him,he's the captain of the Second Sons
Robb:but that is in...
Lyanna:Quarth,we are on our way to Mereen now
Robb:what are you doing so far away from home?For how long have you-
Lyanna:one year,my brother and mother were planning to behead me
Robb:You are the last living heir of Robert Baratheon
Lyanna:I am
Robb:you have a claim to the throne did you know that?
Lyanna:That throne has only brought dissaster,why would I want it?
Robb:you"d be'd make the world a better place
Lyanna:No one can make the world a better place,there will always be tyrans and thiefs and rapists
Robb:you could behead them
Lyanna:I can barely hold a sword
Robb smiled:I can teach you
Lyanna put the water away and tried to get up but Robb pulled her back down
Robb:you were supposed to be my wife,I would've kept you safe...
Lyanna:I am safe,safer than I ever was,Daario made sure of it
Robb:do you love him?
Lyanna:of course I love him,he's been like a brother to me

We'll kill them all~a Game of Thrones fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now