Chapter 39

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Maester Walkan imediatly took Lyanna to make sure everything was alright while Robb and Jon were talking to Daenerys
*later that night,Lyanna's room*
Lyanna was layed in bed when Robb came in,in no time he pressed his lips on her
Robb:are you hurt?Did they do anything to you?
Lyanna shook her head no
Lyanna:Robb,I need to tell you something
Robb:What's wrong?
Lyanna looked him in the eyes and smiled softly
Lyanna:I'm with child
A smile imediatly plastered on Robb's face as he kissed her
Robb:are you certain?
Lyanna nodded before he kissed her again
*7 months later*
Jon:They already passed Castle Black,in no time they'll get here
Lyanna:So fire and dragon glass can kill them
Jon:yes,but I don't think fire can kill the Night King
Lyanna:Dragon glass it is then,we'll have everyone gather burning stuff around the walls of the castle,Sansa,make sure everyone is inside Winterfell by nightfall
Sansa nodded and imediatly left the room
Daenerys:Drogon can be a great help too
Lyanna:Indeed,you should be ready to fly with him over the gates
Daenerys nodded as she and Jon left the room leaving Lyanna alone with Robb,who had a smirk on his face
Lyanna:What are you smirking at?
Robb:I like it when you're all bossy
Lyanna:I am not
Robb:You are
With that he pulled her closer to him and kissed her,placing his hand on her stomach
Suddenly Robb felt a kick under his hand
Lyanna:Did you feel that?
Robb:I did
Lyanna:The baby is kicking
Robb:Our son
Lyanna:How do you know it's not a girl
Robb:I just know,you do realise that if ghe White Walkers march on Winterfell you will be in the crypts
Lyanna:No,I won't.I'm as good a fighter as you are it's not fair
Robb:Eddie needs you
Lyanna:Eddie can stay with the nanny,I don't plan on staying with my arms crossed while men fight for me
Robb chuckled:of course not,then you'll be staying with Theon in the God's wood protecting Bran
Lyanna:Fine,don't you dare die out there
Robb:I won't,I promise
Lyanna kissed him again right before Jaime entered the room
Jaime cleared his throat
Jaime:May I have a word with my niece?
Robb nodded and left closing the door behind him
Jaime:After the war with the dead is over-
Lyanna:You can go to King's Landing,you don't have to stay for the war either,you're not a northener and I don't think that less a man will make a difference
Jaime:I swore that I'll fight alongside you,and I will
Lyanna:I appreciate it
Jaime:Your child will be born in the long winter,like Tyrion
Lyanna:It doesn't really matter that much

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