Chapter 53

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*next day,in the gardens*
Shereen was having lunch with Daario discussing about the other day when Lorenzo came in and bowed
Lorenzo:Princess,would you join me on a walk?
Shereen looked at Daario who nodded softly,she then got up and took Lorenzo's hand following him deeper in the gardens
Lorenzo:I hear we are to be wed
Shereen:You heard wrong,I did not agree with anything yet
Shereen:what makes you be so confident that I will agree?
Lorenzo:You'll find that I can be quite charming
Shereen:And quite arogant as well
Lorenzo smirked
Lorenzo:They call you mother of the beasts,lions,dragons,snakes,wolves...quite impressing
Shereen:Mother of the beasts huh,has a ring to it
Lorenzo:Is it true you have dragons?
Shereen:seven of them,come,let me introduce you to them
Lorenzo:Is that a nice way of saying that you want me dead?
Shereen:If I wanted you dead you'd be dead
Lorenzo:But I'm not
Shereen smirked:yet
*in the crypts*
Shereen took a torch to light up the way but Lorenzo took it from her hand
Shereen:what are you doing?
Lorenzo:I'm not going to risk and have my wife brun herself
Shereen:I'm not your wife
Shereen:I'm starting to consider letting the dragons eat you
Lorenzo:I must admit I'd rather them burn me,it would be much more fun
As soon as the room was full of light two big dragons appeared,Drogon made a loud noise and breathed heavily over Lorenzo.Shereen stepped forward and placed her hand on Drogon's forgead
Shereen:This is Drogon,he is the oldest
Lorenzo:How do you make them spit fire
Shereen smiled:Move aside
Lorenzo took a few steps back as Shereen removed her hand from Drogon
Drogon threw milions of flames onto the brick wall but he stopped the second Shereen placed her hand on his forhead.Lorenzo was staring at them with his jaw hanging open
Lorenzo:May I?
Shereen nodded as he slowly placed his hand on Drogon,Drogon growled causing Lorenzo to remove his hand and step back,Shereen chuckled and took his hand placing it on Drogon's forhead
Shereen:Issa iā raqiros
Shereen:you can speak valyrian?
Lorenzo shook his head no
Lorenzo:I understand bits of it though,you sayed to him something about a friend
Shereen:'he is a friend'
Lorenzo:Yes,that was it.Where did you learn Valyrian?
Shereen:My mother,she saved Mereen from the Masters once,she fought them all alone when Drogon was hurt
Lorenzo:what happend to her?
Shereen:She fell in love and it got her killed.Now if you'll excuse me
Lorenzo nodded as she left,he followed soon after feeling uncomfortable staying in the room alone with the dragons

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