Chapter 66

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*later that night*
Ser Davos and Jaques were getting the horses ready when Shereen,Lorenzo and Daario came outside
Daario:I leave Mereen on your shoulders,Jaques.You are the one I trust the most
Jaques:I will take good care of it,and of Piero
Daario pat his shoulder and turned to Shereen and Lorenzo,they were saying goodbye to their son
Shereen:My brave little'll be safer in Mereen,mama and dada will come and get you when all of this is over,I promise
Lorenzo placed a kiss on Piero's forhead,so did Shereen before handing him to Ser Davos
Shereen:Ser Davos
Davos turned around
Shereen:Take care of my son
Davos nodded as they got on their horses and left
Daario:What now?
Shereen:Now we burn Euron Greyjoy and the Frey whore alive,no more mercy
Lorenzo looked at Daario as he did the same
Shereen:Get the ships ready.Daario,you,uncle Jon and Lorenzo will ride the dragons with me
Daario nodded before dissapearing behind the big doors leaving Shereen and Lorenzo outside
Lorenzo:It will be a slaughter
Shereen:If any of you touch one inocent soul I will have you strangled in your sleep.Our target is Euron Greyjoy and Wildergard Frey,we'll take care of the rest after
Lorenzo nodded as Shereen went into the dungeons to free her dragons
Jon came outside shortly after,only to find Lorenzo sitting on the stairs ,Jon sat next to him
Jon:what is it?
Lorenzo:Have you seen the look in her eyes?She looks like-
Jon:Like she's about to murder us all and have us as dinner?
Lorenzo nodded
Jon:Oh I know that look,her mother always had it when it was about protecting her family,and only the gods know...whoever touched her family didn't stay alive for much longer.
Lorenzo:How was she?Lyanna Stark?
Jon:She was...fierce,and beautiful.We all really believed that she will be the last queen,that she'll be so good that we would never need another
Lorenzo:How did she die?
Jon:Love got her killed...
Lorenzo:That is the most horible way to die
Jon:It is...
Loud growls came from the sky as Shereen flew over the castle with Drogon,Robhal,Lyseris and Ednia
Shereen:come on,up you go
Lorenzo:I never rode a dragon
Shereen:It's not that hard
Lorenzo struggled to get on Ednia and almost fell
Lorenzo:What do I hold on to?
Shereen smirked:Whatever you can...
Lorenzo looked at her,horror all over his face
Lorenzo:What if he doesn't want me to?
Shereen:Then I enjoyed your company,Lorenzo  Martell.
Shereen,Daario and Jon laughed as Lorenzo looked at them horrified
Daario:what about the rest of the dragons?
Shereen:They'll be free from now on,if they choose to follow us,good,if not,let them be
Daario nodded as they flew away
Lorenzo looked back at Dorne one last time,his home,all his memories he was leaving behind
30 ships were on the sea,sailing to King's Landing as Shereen was flying with the dragons in the air
*King's Landing,two hours later*
Man:Your you see that?
Euron smirked:The little princess is coming home,bring me the Dornish whore
A man entered the room pushing Alyssa in front of him,with one last push,Alyssa colapsed on the ground,she was bleeding from almost every where,she could feel it in her bones that it wouldn't be long until it's all over
Euron grabbed her by her arm and threw her on the wall that was keeping the Red Keep away from the Rest of King's Landing
Euron:If the little princess surrenders,you'll live.If not...well too bad
Alyssa looked at the sky as 4 dragons flew in front of the wall as well as 7000 men came behind the dragons
Shereen got off Drogon and looked up the wall,her eyes meeting with Alyssa's
'We'll get you home' Shereen mouted,but she didn't believe it,not entirely,for the first time in her kife she felt like there was nothing she could do
Euron:Little princess!We missed you teribly,now,going straight to bussines...we have some easy terms,if you can make them happen,you get your little whore back,if not...We'll do it this way,I'll count to 5,if your men aren't on their knees and your Dragons are not in chains,she dies
Shereen looked at Alyssa with fear in her eyes
no one moved,not even an inch,every one was in their places,just like they were when they got there
Euron:Very well...any last words?
Alyssa looked directly into Shereen's eyes
Shereen's eyes filled with tears as one of Euron's men beheaded Alyssa,her body falling off the wall and hitting the ground.Shereen shut her eyes as she clenched her fist
Shereen turned to Jon and Lorenzo
Shereen:Let it begin
With a sign of Jon's hand the army marched forward and broke down the Red Keep's gates,getting into the courtyard and starting to kill Euron's men.With every man that was lost from Euron's army,another two died from Shereen's
Shereen looked at Lorenzo,they were the only ones left outside the Red Keep's gates
Lorenzo:Get on your dragon and burn it down,burn them all,Shereen
Shereen kissed Lorenzo one last time and got on Robhal
Drogon and Lyseris flew away
Lorenzo:I believe in you,Stark!
Shereen:And I in you,Martell...
Lorenzo smiled faintly,took out his sword and entered the courtyard
*one hour later*
The Red Keep was half burnt,so was the courtyard,flames were all over the place,flames and corpses.Shereen got off Robhal and entered the throne room,as soon as she entered the Throne room she saw Euron holding an arbalet at Lorenzo,who was tied down a collumn
Euron:Game over,little princess,he is the last one you've got,your last family,you surrender,he lives,you don't surrender,this arrow will go right trough his little heart.
Lorenzo:Shereen don't!
Wildergard pushed Lorenzo with her foot
Wildergard:You stay quiet!
Lorenzo:Don't surrender,don't let them have it...don't let Piero grow up into this world
Euron shot an arrow into Lorenzo's left shoulder,Lorenzo growled in pain an shit his eyes closed
Shereen ran in front of him and cought him into her arms as he collapsed on the floor
Shereen:Don't you dare leave me
Lorenzo:You could never love anyone like me anyways...
Shereen's eyes were filled with tears
Shereen:That's not true...I love you,I love you so much,if you die,I die
Lorenzo:Not yet,Stark...not yet
With that Lorenzo closed his eyes for good as Shereen rested her forhead onto his

Wildergard pulled Shereen away from Lorenzo and threw her in front of Euron
Euron:Any last words?
Shereen:I surrender...I SURRENDER!But I have one last wish...
Euron:Spit it out
Shereen:Let me go into the crypts,pay my respects one last time,and say goodbye to my dragons properly
Euron:Very good,Wildergard,make sure she gets there,bring her back after
Wildergard nodded and took Shereen into the crypts
Jon,Tyrion and Daario were  outside,they saw Shereen and Wildergard go into the crypts
Daario:What is she doing?,no,no
Jon:what is it?
Tyrion:She's going inti the crypts
Jon:what is in the crypts?!
Tyrion:Wildfire and her dragons...
Jon and Daario looked at one another,fear in their eyes
*the crypts*
Shereen ran her hand over Lyserys's forhead
Shereen:Kesi moris bisa tubī...(we will end this together in valyrian)
Wildergard:What are you telling him?!
Shereen:I told him that I'll miss him in valyrian,it calms him
Wildergard:Pay your respects faster
Shereen got  next to a shelf and pushed it to the ground,wildfire spilling all over the place
Wildergard:What are you doing?!
Shereen walked next to Lyserys
Shereen:Game over
Shereen placed her hand on Lyserys
Lyserys and Robhal started spitting flames,the Red Keep exploded,flames taking over the place
Jon,Tyrion and Daario watched as the Red Keep burnt to the ground
Daario:She saved us...all of us,she gave her life for us...
Jon:We have to take care of Piero,it's the least we can do after what his parents did for us...

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