Chapter 58

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*two days later*
A man came in front of the castle on a black horse,he was greeted by Lorenzo and Shereen
Lorenzo:My lord,it is a pleasure to have you here for our wedding
Gendry only looked at Shereen,deep in her eyes
Gendry:You have your mother's eyes
Shereen:Yes,I've been told
Gendry:Your sister lost the North not even a week after you gave it to her,the only places you still have from Westeros is Dorne,from this allience,and Storm's End-
Shereen:Storm's End?
Gendry:You don't really think I'd stand by and watch as my niece goes to war alone
Lorenzo:She is not alone
Shereen shot Lorenzo a death glare and he stood quiet
Shereen:Thank you,uncle,it mean a great deal to me-
Gendry:May we have a word?In private,perhaps
Shereen looked at Lorenzo and nodded,Lorenzo went inside the castle leaving Shereen and Gendry alone
Gendry:Why?Why are you marrying him?If you come back the North will rise for their queen,their true queen
Shereen:It's not his army that I want,even though it is useful,it is his protection.The Martells are the only family that Euron Greyjoy can't take down,therefor if I become a Martell he can't take me down
Gendry:The second you marry him you won't be a Stark anymore,you'll have to be loyal to him and him only,so you won't be able to tell your uncle little secrets about him
Shereen:Uncle,you've been in Westeros for a while,in your experience,how long do girls like me live for?
Gendry looked down
Shereen:answear me
Gendry:not very long...
Shereen:Exactly.So I would rather die knowing that I did something good,something that would help the ones that will remain alive
Gendry:from what I understand he wants an heir,if you don't live long enough you won't be able to see your own child more than a few months
Shereen:I was never the motherly kind of woman anyways
Gendry:Your mother would have me strangled for letting you marry him
Shereen:I guess you're lucky that she's dead.Alyssa,please show my uncle to his room
*later that night*
Shereen's thoughts were intrerupted by a loud knock at the door that made her shiever a little before she got up and opened the door
Lorenzo:My lady...
Shereen:May I help you?
Lorenzo:Tomorow night will be our wedding,I wanted to ask if you have any prefferences over flowers or-
Shereen:Anything you choose will be perfect
Lorenzo:Don't do this
Shereen:do what?
Lorenzo:Don't be cold with me,it won't help either of us
Shereen:I'm not being cold with you,I just don't care that much about the small details
Lorenzo:You are to be my wife,there won't be any secrets between us-
Shereen:I never agreed to that,it wasn't on your terms
Lorenzo:You can't be serious
Shereen:I very much am
Lorenzo:If we continue like this our life will be a living hell,we'll see each other on formal ocasions while I'll sleep with half the kingdoom behind your back,is this what you want?Or do you want us to care for each other and respect each other?
Shereen:I have no problem with the first one

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