(2) Amanda Waller

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The world changed when Superman flew across the sky. Then it changed again when he didn't.

I look to see a man sitting on the side of the entrance, to the restaurant I'm meant to meet with my colleagues, selling Superman related merchandise.

And that is why I'm here.

After entering the doors and offering the usual handshake and greetings to the officials, we three take our seats and order. We have small talk by discussing any news that had been brought to the Pentagon - nothing new though.

The past weeks I've been doing research and tracing, finding candidates for my task force I've been preparing to present. Finally, after finding the right sources and leads I was able to track down the perfect selection of individuals. It put me in a light mood, regardless of the fact that we - America - lost Superman.

"We lose a national hero, but you sit there like the cat that ate the canary."

I look to him, resting my elbows on the table. "I've eaten a lot of canaries. It's taken me some work, but I finally found them. The worst of the worst."

I take out the confidential file containing the briefing of all individuals I plan to make part of my task force.

"There's rumours, Amanda, that some of them have abilities."

"Well the rumours are right. You know what the problem with a meta-human is? The human part. We're lucky that Superman shared our values. The next Superman might not."

"You're playing with fire, Amanda."

"I'm fighting fire with fire."

"This isn't that task force X project of yours, is it?"

"Yes, but this time you better listen."

I open the file to the first asset activity report.
"Hiccup Haddock, aka Deadshot. He's the most wanted hit man in the world. He has an elite clientele."

Hiccup, who prefers being called Hicc, makes his way to a roof top overlooking a building entrance. He takes out his phone, calling his client after checking his bank account.
Ringing a few times, his client finally picks up. "What?"

"Hey Angelo, this is the exterminator you called for your day problem. My account is looking a little thin."

"No one gets paid until what needs to get done is done."

Shaking his head, he replies. "Nope, that's not the rules. No money, no honey." The sound of cars makes him look down towards the entrance, seeing three cars with multiple officers getting out.
"Oh, here's your boy right now. With about twenty of his new best friends."
Checking his bank account again on his phone he says. "I'm still seeing zeros over here Angie."

"Listen, stop being cute and do your job."

He sees the officers escort the witness out of the car slowly.
"Oh, they're taking him out of the car now. In about thirty seconds your window is gonna close forever."

"Okay. Okay, okay, relax. There was an accounting error. We sent it." In satisfaction, Hicc sees his account balance updates showing a million dollars have been transferred.
"Now double it for being a dickhead, you got ten seconds.

"We're not the kinda people you play with."

"Did you.. did you just threaten me? This dude is about to have a sore throat from all the singing he's about to do."

"You son of a bitch." Hicc smiles when he sees another one million be transferred into his account.

"Pleasure doing business with you Angie." He hangs up and takes his lethal shot sending the witness falling to the ground and the officers scrambling around searching for the assailant.

"But everyone has a weakness and a weakness can be leveraged. His an eleven year old honest girl in Gotham City. His daughter. So we watched her and waited."

The night had filled with the slight blow of snow in the air. Perfect for the Christmas times Gotham had found itself in. On the sidewalk, Hicc and his daughter walked side by side, clearly have done shopping.

"You should talk to mom more."

"Is she still going out at nights?"

"Dad, it's okay. I can take care of her. I know how to make pancakes now."

"Hey baby, that's great but, she's suppose to be taking care of you, you know. That's how it's suppose to work."

The child wears a subtle pout with sad eyes. Hicc crouched down to her eye level.

"I want you to come live with me. I came into some.. some resources. I'm gonna get us a spot and it's gonna be nice, alright?"

"Mom said I can't be with you because you kill people."

"That's not true. That's a lie, she's lying to you."

"Dad. I know you do bad things, but don't worry. I still love you."

Hicc was heartbroken to hear this, but unappreciated the fact that she had not given up on him. He straightens up to continue their walk. They then take a turn down the familiar alley to get her home.

"And you caught him?"

"Not me. I just gave an anonymous tip to the right guy in Gotham City."

"We'll figure this out, alright?"

Suddenly, Gotham City's one and only Batman came descending from the building rooftops.
The fight for winning ended in Hicc's daughter putting herself between Hicc's gun and Batman.

With tears in her eyes she pleads; "Daddy, please."

"Asryia, move."

"Please daddy, don't do it."

The war inside his head died when he saw the pleading in her eyes and the tears rolling down her cheeks. Reluctantly, he lowers his gun and surrenders allowing Batman to cuff him to an iron gate in the alley. The dark hero ascends upwards just as the police arrive to find the infamous Deadshot, cuffed to a gate with his daughter gripping onto him tight and giving a tight hug.

"And where is he now?" Asked one of the colleagues.

"Let's just say I put him in a hole and threw away the hole."

Flipping over the page, I prepare to brief them on the remaining assets.


Hey everyone.

My apologies for taking such a long time to publish this chapter. I was about half way when things happened. I also started working, and for instance yesterday I had to help family move. It's been a bit hectic.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed. Please give me feedback, whether it be a simple; "Like it so far", "Good", "needs some working on" or if it's a paragraph. Every bit helps.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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