My inner Voice (a message to all teens)

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Note: this is for everyone out there that wants to fight for what's right. I'm here with you.

Btw I wrote this a long time ago - my English wasn't the best back then but I don't want to edit it now as it shows the beauty of my original thoughts, and are mistakes really mistakes?

You may break my heart or let my mask fade away, but you cannot break my inner believes and dreams.
They have been part of me since forever, so much longer than you have.

But I keep asking myself

Are we winning just so we lose the next time?
Are we laughing just so we can cry again?
Are we happy just so we can be sad?
Are we born for the sake of dying later?
Maybe it's just the Cycle of Life.
Maybe everything matters but at the same time nothing at all.
Maybe we are all marionettes played by others and we are puzzle pieces that haven't found their spot. What if we are all that?
What if we were all part of a lie and nothing is what it seems to be?
What if we see the world in a wrong angle, what if everything we have ever believed in, is wrong?
Would it change me?
Would a different perspective change the world?

How can we judge when we don't know the full part, how can we decide if we don't see the other side, how can we pick if we know that the other choice might be better?
We are young. Undecided.
Haven't really though of Life.
We are young. Undecided.
What are we going to do with our future?
We don't know. We don't see. We don't mind, because we:
We are just the needle in a haystack, part of something greater than us. We are no winner. We've already lost too much.

But still: we keep trying and improving, we keep moving.
Because we are those who need a voice, we are those you have no other choice.
We are young. Undecided.

My sweet little inner voice, what would I do without you.
You're my guide, my right side, my one and only.
You have a taste of what's true and what's a lie,
You know that what I do not.
You fulfill me.
You were the missing part of me.
My dear little inner voice, what would I've done without you?
I'd be long lost and gone.
Because I don't have the ability to survive.
I never know what's wrong and what's right.
You make the darkness inside a little more bright.
You were the missing puzzle piece.

That's why I needed you.
But when you're lost?
Am I lost?
When you fade
Will I fade?

All these voices hit me up,
Trying to convince me to do this or this.
Who should I trust?
What if I break,
What if I drown?
What if I fall
What if my Life goes upside down?

You can't save me. Nobody can.
Nobody but also everybody.
This is Society and I'm just a Teenager.
They want me to be a certain way,
But I'll resist.
And if we all do,
If we all say no,
Not letting us be changed by any one.
Because that's for us to decide.
Yes, we are young.
But shouldn't we do what we think is right?
We want to be part of this.
Will we ever be?
Maybe not,
What if I try,
And what if you try,
Because that would already make the two of us..
More than I could ever imagined or ever had.
What if we can change even the tiniest bit?
Would you do it? Is it worth it?

We are young. Undecided. But this decision will forever be yours and mine. Ours...
I can't force you. It's all on you.
But: Use your brain, use your humane thinking.
If this is not what you want,
Fight for what you believe is right.
We are in a free country.
Raise your voice, be heard.

What if you could be the person that has the ability to change the world?
You will never know,
Unless you try.

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