Until The Day I Die [Chapter 1]

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  • Dedicated to Kaitlynn Kelly


It was around midnight. Brigette was taking a stroll in the forest of Acondria. She walked slowly so she could take in the fresh air. It was a seemingly peaceful night.

"Ah, the weather is so nice tonight…" she said to herself.

Brigette looked up into the sky only to see a single star, the Northern star. She smiled to herself. She thought to herself, that's so pretty. I wish I could be a star.

At that moment, her phone vibrated to notify her of a text. Brigette stopped in her tracks and pulled it out of her pocket to read the screen. Vlad was the name of the sender. She rolled her eyes. She opened it and it read, "Hey Bri…I miss you so much." Brigette frowned and put the phone away, avoiding answering him. She didn't have time to deal with him.

Brigette started to walk again down the path behind the trees. She stopped to take a deep breathe. When she inhaled, she smelled something burning.

"Is that smoke?" she said to herself. She looked up into the sky to see pitch black smoke moving throughout the air, coming from the northern part of the forest. She began to run down the path to find the source.

Brigette ran until she couldn't run anymore. She leaned over and tried to catch her breathe when she began to hear shrieking and yelling coming from behind the trees. She raised an eyebrow and walked up behind a tree to find out what was happening.

In front of the trees was the southeastern part of the city. People were running across the pavement in panic. There was a fire coming from the opposite side of the pavement.

"Someone, help me! He's going to murder me, and I need to take care of a family!" one man screamed.

"Can anyone call the police? There's no stopping this man on our own!" another man screamed.

"He'll kill us all!" a young teenage girl shrieked as she ran away from the crowd.

Brigette tried to look for this "he" that they were talking about. Why would someone try to kill everyone, she asked herself. She walked out from behind the trees to get a better look, when an elderly woman walked up to her.

"Oh, sweetie, I don't want to die tonight," the woman said is a hoarse throat. Her words made Brigette's heart sink into her chest.

"Why would you die?" she asked in her now shaking voice.

"Death," the woman replied.

"Pardon me?"

"He's Death."

"Who is?"

"That man…" the woman began, "What a poor soul. I don't know what's driving him to do this, but he is doing it, and it will end us all."

"Wait, who?"

The elderly woman turned and pointed to a large crowd of people. It appeared to be a moshpit. Everyone was trying to push each other out of their way and run.

"I don't see him," Brigette said.

"He's that one," the elderly woman replied.

She continued to point until a tall man jumped through the crowd. He was covered in blood. Behind him followed a short girl. She appeared to be his apprentice. The two started walking towards the city.

Brigette pulled the elderly woman behind the trees before the man or his apprentice saw her.

"That man?" Brigette whispered as she pointed to him.

An older man ran from the crowd and started yelling at him.

"You have no right to do this!" he shrieked as he ran after the man called Death. Death stopped in his tracks after hearing his footsteps. His apprentice shook her head negatively. Death turned to look at him and snickered.

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