4. Boredom Is Poison

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(Her Outfit)
I sighed as I couldn't find anything to do. I was bored. I got up from my spot on the couch and went on a search for cards. I wasn't very good at cards but in times like these, it's desperate. April went to the store for a while. She left about two hours ago, so who knows when she'll come back. I gently placed the cards on the cushion next to me. I quickly fixed the cards so that I could play a game of war. Then, a loud thumping sound came from the window. I yelped and all the cars went flying. I growled, knowing it was one of the boys tapping on the window by the fire escape. Then I realized that it was mid-day, he'd get seem. I quickly pulled myself off the couch and raced towards the window. Well, as fast as hobbling could do. I quickly pulled the window open to see Mikey. He quickly climbed in and I just stared at him shocked.
Mi: "What?" He looked absolutely confused.
Me: "I don't know if you've noticed but it's 1:33 in the afternoon! You could've been seen!" He shrugged.
Mi: "You hang out with Leo too much." Then, his eyes caught my cast.
Mi: "I totally love your new cast dudette!" I chuckled. I got it done thinking of Mikey. My options were limited to pink, green, or orange. So I got orange in honor of Mikey. Mikey is like a brother to me, a best friend who'll hear me out I matter what.
Me: "Yeah, I didn't have much choice." He smiled.
Mi: "Still like it anyway." I shrugged and went back to my cards. Picking them up one by one. Mikey walked over and started to help.
Me: "Why are you here anyway?" He handed me the cards he'd picked up as all the cards were off the floor.
Mi: "Well... Umm... I don't know how to tell you this... But I got bored." I gasped sarcastically and the cards fell from my hand for dramatic effect. Mikey giggled at me.
Me: "How in the world did that happen? We need to talk with the boys."

I walked into the layer.
Me: "Leo! Raph! Donnie! Get out here! Now!" I pretended to be mad. Mikey was hanging back for a better trick. They all rushed out like Splinter was yelling at them or something.
Le: "What's wrong? What happened?" I put my hands on my hips.
Me: "You three have poisoned Miley!" The faces were priceless. Leo held that of complete and utter shock. Donnie held confusion and concern. Raph's had to be the best, he was beyond pissed. That's when he let me have an earful.
Ra: "How dare you come in here and say I've been poisoning my own brother!!!" Blah blah blah, yell yell yell. I then couldn't hold my laughter anymore. I fell to the floor in fits of laughter as Mikey walked up behind them, a smug look pressed to his face. Tears streamed down my face. I was attempting to stop laughing but each time I'd look up and see three confused turtles, blind to the fact that Mikey was right behind them. They all looked down at me like I was crazy. And who knows? I probably am.
Me: "Ri-righ-right be-behind you-u!" I sputtered between laughs. They turned to see Mikey. Raph turned back to me and glared. At this point my laughs were dying out.
Me: "What?" I questioned innocently.
Me: "Boredom is poison." Raph rolled his eyes and went back to his room. Donnie went back to his computer. And Leo went back to practicing. Mikey ran over and started playing his game. I quickly joined him.

~Raph's P.O.V.~
I held back my smile until I closed my bedroom door. I had it hard for that girl, but I would never show it. It'd be like telling your sworn enemy that you have a soft spot in your shell. I sighed as I flopped on my bed, then punched the wall next to me. I could hear them talking in the other room.
De: "Is he really that mad at me? It was only a joke." Concern was laced in her voice.
Mi: "He'll get over it eventually."
De: "Maybe I should go talk to him."
Do: "That would be the stupidest idea if he's mad at you."
De: "I don't care, I'm going to go talk to him, maybe he'll be less upset if I tell him that it was only a joke." I could hear footsteps slowly making their way to my door. I pretended to be upset. She gently knocked as she pushed the door open.
De: "Raph? I'm sorry. It was only a joke."
Me: "A stupid one." I grunted and instantly regretted it. She sighed, sadness consuming the glint in her eye. I sighed and sat up.
Me: "Delilah." She stopped, she was in the process of leaving. She looked at me, concerned.
Me: "I'm sorry, I knew it was a joke. I'm just- I'm just an ass. I'm sorry." She beamed at my. She quickly ran over and hugged me. I fell back on my bed, her still on top of me hugging me. She buried her face in my chest. I allowed myself this moment. A smile stretched across my face as I could smell her vanilla scent.
De: "I knew you had a soft spot somewhere in that tough shell of yours."

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