5. Soft Spot

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(Her Outfit)
~Normal P.O.V.~
Once again, Raph has gone to acting tough, but I know different. He's being an ass. He won't give me a second glance. He talks to me as little as possible. And he avoids me now. Just last week, I got a new leg brace. My cast was changed to red, it was the only color they had. I went the week before they got a new shipment. My leg is almost done healing. I sighed as I pulled on my sweatpants. I looked around for a shirt. Then, I found one that I hadn't seen in weeks. I quickly pulled it on and a smile stretched across my face. I quickly pulled up my hair and decided to go without makeup. Kat had gone to California to see her family there, she'll be there for another month and a half. Lenny went to Florida for a month with her family on vacation, she left about a week ago. And April was working hard and long days. I pulled on my shoes, I couldn't wait to call the girls. We have a weekly phone call, to keep up while we are separate. I put on my glasses and my ring. I to the living room, Kat would call any minute now. I smiled as the phone rang, I answered without hesitation.
Me: "Hey!" Kat squealed into the phone, making me wince as I held the phone away from my ear, waiting for her to stop. I herd her calm down a bit as she started to ramble into the phone. I managed to put my ear back to the phone to hear the part that sent me squealing.
Ka: "My parents said you could come out at the end or this week, for a week!!!" I squealed as I jumped up and down.
Me: "That's amazing, I'll start packing tomorrow!!! OMG!!! I can't wait!!!" I'm never quite that girly but this was amazing news.
Ka: "I wish you could bring the boys. That would be amazing." I chuckled, regardless of the fact that she was being serious.
Me: "Well, I don't think Master Splinter would let them. Plus, they wouldn't have fun, they'd be stuck in the sewers until the cover of night." She sighed heavily.
Ka: "But I miss my Mikey." I could tell she was pouting just by the tone of her voice.
Me: "Oh come on Kat, don't pout at me. You know that Master Splinter will say no. I don't even have to ask, to know the answer will be no, even if I try to sway him, it'd be pointless." She sighed, she hated to admit I was right.
Me: "You don't have to admit that I'm right, I already know I am. I'll see you next week." I could tell she was smiling as she chirped her goodbye. I sighed as I hung up the phone. I'd have to go tell the boys that I'd be gone. They won't be very happy with me. I could already hear Mikey's complaint of not having anyone to play video games with for a whole week. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I grabbed my keys and went to the living room. I quickly wrote a note for when April got home. I told her to call me and that I would be home late. I made sure that I told her that I was going to go see the boys. I left the note on the fridge, knowing April would see it. She always goes to the fridge as soon as she gets home, there hasn't been a day that she hasn't gone to the fridge first thing. I smiled as I walked out the door. The old building was dirty and smelled of mildew. One would thing the apartments were just as bad, but they weren't even close. They were beautiful, and well taken care of. I locked the door behind me and jogged down the stairs. I was happy to have full extension of my leg. It felt much better and it made me happier. My doctor said that if I work my leg a lot, it will slowly get better and I will be able to fully run again. I smiled as I walked out and the warm sun hit my face. The crisp morning air could be cut by a knife. I took in a big breath, it felt amazing. I went into the alley next to the apartment. I made sure nobody was looking as I lifted the lid of the manhole. I slipped in and closed the lid behind me. I walked along the sewers, allowing my leg to rest as it pleased. I limped along until I found myself in the dojo.
Me: "Mikey!" I called out, it wasn't long before I heard his yell of excitement. I smiled as he ran in and was about to scoop me in a hug. But Leo grabbed me last second and put me over his shoulder. I giggled as Leo ran around with me on his shoulder and Mikey was chasing us. I reached towards Mikey.
Me: "Help me Mikey!" He laughed as he followed behind me. Then I remembered why I came.
Me: "Guys! Stop!" I couldn't stop giggling as Leo bounced while running.
Me: "Guys, seriously! I had something I wanted to tell you! It's important!" I continued to giggle until Leo bumped into something. I expected to fall to the ground with him but there was a buff green arm wrapped around my waste. I watched as Mikey tripped over Leo and fell on top of him.
Ra: "I would personally like to know what she came to say, maybe she'll leave sooner." I perched my lips at him. Mikey and Leo looked up at me. I winked at them, letting them know I was about to fool him. I was tired of him acting like a child and pretending that he doesn't care. Mikey and Leo nodded, telling me they knew I wasn't serious. Raph set me down with ease and I turned to where they could all see me. Donnie had walked up while Raph was putting me down. I winked at Donnie, making sure Raph didn't see. He returned with a slight nod. I pretended to be serious and a little upset.
Me: "I don't know how to put this lightly, so I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm moving to California, tomorrow is my last day, it was a last minute decision." Mikey pouted, pretending to be on the verge of tears. Leo frowned, pretending to upset. Donnie looked at the ground, hiding his face, knowing Raph would see through his acting skills. Raph's face fell, like his heart had been shattered. I smirked, victory was mine.
Me: "I'm kidding." Raph's face hardened as he glared at me.
Ra: "That wasn't funny." I giggled as I rolled my eyes.
Me: "I'm actually going to Cali for a week, Kat invited me out. I'm leaving after tomorrow. I said that to prove that you had a heart Raph. And it worked, you care but you don't want to show it." Raph crossed his arms.
Ra: "Fine, I care, your point?" I smiled as the boys laughed.
Me: "I just wanted you to admit it. Say these words exactly, and I'll leave you alone."
Ra: "Fine, what is it?"
Me: "Say, I have a soft spot for you and I'll stop acting like a child." He huffed and mumbled it under his. I smiled and hugged him.
Me: "That's close enough." He sighed as he hugged back. I smiled and hugged a little tighter.

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