The Drunk Incident

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The two arch-nemesis in Hogwarts, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, had a big fight, again. It went something like this:

"Potter, watch it!" Draco snapped as Harry bumped into him down the hallway.

Harry groaned, knowing he would be in another one of Malfoy's stupid insult matches. He glanced towards his right, eyes pleading for Hermione and Ron to help, he does not have time for this, he still had a potions essay and DADA project to finish before Friday.

"You were the one who bumped into Harry here, Malfoy." Ron glared.

"Looks like you need to lend Weasel here your glasses Potter." Draco sneered back. Blaise and Pansy both rolled their eyes, here he goes. The truth was, Draco did not hate Potter, in fact, he felt to complete opposite. You see, Draco here had been pinning over that Golden boy for like, who knows how long.

According to Draco himself: "S-since third year..." he mumbled, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

But Draco Malfoy, the boy who had no ways of showing affection for someone, since his parents never showed him any, could only think of one way to hide his crush towards the Chosen one. Hatred.

And so, every day, Draco would pick fights with Potter with every chance he got. Then at night, back at the Slytherin dorms, Pansy and Blaise, being the only ones who would accept Draco's crush, had to listen to him ramble about "Potter this" and "Potter that". By now, every time they see the Gryffindor, their brains would automatically check out Potter, see if his eyes are really that green; or his cheeks really look that chubby; or his hair seems so soft. It is really killing them, and if they cannot get Draco over his obsession with Potter soon, they will die from the word 'Potter'.

"Why do you keep picking fights with me Malfoy? Can't we just ignore each other completely?" Harry reasoned, he is really getting tired of these fights, especially when Malfoy seems a lot more attractive this year.

"I'm sorry Potter, but your existence in general is a rotten smell in the air that'd never fade." Draco taunts back, although he meant the exact opposite in his heart.

Blaise had already seen enough and knows that tonight would be a long night indeed, so he keeps on walking, under the raised eyebrow of a very suspicious Hermione.

"You're such a prick Malfoy, no wonder you've never dated anyone, I doubt you've ever even kissed a girl!" Harry snorted, ready for the smart retort.

But it never came.

"I- "Draco was choking on his own words. IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT FOR BEING SO STUPIDLY ATTRACTIVE! It wasn't like Draco didn't want to get over Potter, a stupid crush that'd never work out, but every time he sees him, he just wants to sit there and watch him, drooling all day.

Not being able to stand this any longer, Draco walked right past Harry with Pansy trailing behind.

Pansy mentally groaned, she knew this would happen eventually. If Draco did not get over him soon enough, he would never be truly happy.

"Draco wait up!" She yelled, running.

"Ha! Good one mate!" Ron exclaimed; patting Harry hard on the back. Harry should feel proud for shutting Malfoy once, but something just didn't feel right. Hermione must have thought so too because she looked like she was in deep thought.


*That night*

"Where's Draco?" A tall black male stood in the Slytherin common room, leaning against an armchair.

"He said he wanted some space to think, so he went down to that bar he always goes to." Pansy replied, slouching back in the armchair.

"Why didn't you go with him?"

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