When You Get Detention

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You do the work and I sit here and watch of course, youre the one who made me like this in the first place.

Potter just stares at Draco, clearly impatient, Well it wasnt my fault you couldnt counter or shield a simple binding spell!

Draco gritted his teeth, It wasnt a simple binding spell Potter, a normal binding spell doesnt make your legs weak and gives you a full-on boner. As soon as they were out, Draco wished he could swallow them back.

Why do I keep losing my cool to Potter?

Wait, are you telling me youre hard right now? Potter stared at him in disbelief.

If I didnt know better, Potter, Id say youre excited. Draco sneered.

Oi! That was my line!

Too bad.

They stared at each other, Draco contemplated the idea of starting another conversation, but quickly dismissed it as Potter turned to the brooming cupboard on his left and took out a broom.

Dont tell me youre going to fly around the room to clean it up! He laughed.

Flying isnt the only thing a broom can do, Malfoy. Unless you want to sweep the floor with your expensive robes, I suggest you shut up. Potter said, with his back still towards Draco.

So, Draco just sat there, watching as Potter swung the broom back and forth on the floor, layers of dust flying around, causing Draco to cough, from one end to another. He noticed how Potters arm automatically holds the broom in flying stance, how when he sneezes his whole body goes rigid.

When Draco was drooling over Potters lean body, he sighed and suddenly the ropes tightened. Draco couldnt help but let out a squeak at the contact, especially when the heat is still there and his hard on was in plain sight.

Hearing Dracos un-Malfoy-ish squeak, Potter turned around with confusion, that is, until he sees Draco trembling, while trying to hide the tent in his pants. He smirked.

Draco raised his head and saw that idiot staring right at his pants, and quickly reddened. He thought Potter had already forgotten it, guess he was wrong, again.

What! He snapped, trying to draw Potters attention from his pants. But Potters smirk just grew wider.

Love me so much that you cant even be in the same room without a boner, Malfoy? He teased; Harry knew he couldnt hide his excitement.

Draco scowled, it wasnt his fault that some bloody-pain-in-the-ass decides to prank him at such holy timing, if anything was to blame, it was Potter and his darn binding spell.

Dont get ahead of yourself Potter, it wasnt because of you, it was a weird spell that had hit me and entangled with the binding spell. Didnt I tell you that just then? DO you Gryffindors every listen?

At this Potter seemed to tense up, this smirk all gone. What do you mean, weird spell?

Perhaps was infected by Potters serious tone, he dropped his attitude and actually thought about it, Just before you cast the ropes, I took a peek at the clock and I think someone used that time to cast an unknown spell my way. They were definitely good at charms because I only looked away for two seconds. He added, to make it clear that he wasnt that easy to take advantage of.

Potter went silent after Dracos explanation, he looks as if he was concerned for Dracos health, which Draco doubted.

They were enemies just until yesterday, and Draco still doesnt know if Potter is toying with him or not, so hes surely not going to fall for Potters worried boy friend act.

Hold on.

Did he just say boyfriend???????????

Gosh, Im falling for him! Draco shook his head, I cant do that, father and mother would never approve, besides, he wouldnt ever love a death eater scum like me

The memory of the dark mark burned his mind, before he could relive that horrid moment, Draco snapped out of it and turned towards a worried Potter.

It would be nice to think that Potter was worried about him, but Draco knew when to get his hopes high, and when to let go. Right now, is obviously the latter.

He turned his attention back to the brunette a few steps away from him, and saw that Potter was walking towards him.

What are you doing? Draco had a bad feeling.

Well, Im sure you dont want to sit like that for the next hour before you could do it yourself right? A tingling sensation sparkled through his spine.

No, stay away- Too late, Potter was already a foot away from him.

Wet lips on his.

Fireworks exploded in Dracos vision; it was nothing like the one they had last night.

Draco squirmed in the embrace of his so-called-arch-nemesis, but since he was bounded, nothing he could do except for letting Potter do whatever he wanted with him.

The kiss they had last night was soft, and gentle, and mostly because Draco hadnt really paid attention to it since he was still in shock of Potter stealing his first kiss.

But this one, it was heated and needy.

The heat engulfed him whole, it lit all his senses up. Potter slowly traced his bottom lip with his tongue, asking for access. It was his second kiss damn it, of course Draco wasnt prepared for the French kissing! Thinking about it, Potter probably had a lot of practice from the Chang girl and Weaslette. It only made him more frustrated, and he sealed his lip, ignoring the wet licks on his lips.

He heard Potter growl from his throat, the sound sent shivers down his spine, and Potter began nibbling on his lip. Draco couldnt help but let out a little whimper at the action, but still refused to open.

Draco was feeling quite proud for denying Potters wish when he felt something rough grab him from behind and gasped. The boy used the opportunity to shove his tongue forcefully into Dracos mouth.

The intrusion was hot and uncomfortable, especially when it swept across the top of his cavern it would always tickle. But the sensation was so new andlewd, he couldnt help but let out a small moan, that only enlarged Potters self-ego.

Draco didnt care, it seemed like when Potter was with him, everything would fade, into a world only with the two of them.

Sadly, everything good must come to an end. In this case, Draco broke the kiss when he felt the ropes loosen and drop to the ground, he quickly backed away, panting.

Potter was in a similar state, except for an annoyed expression that Draco was sure was what he had on his face, he was puzzled. Draco waited for the question.

Why did you pull away? Aha, there it is, the dumbest question ever.

Its been an hour already; dont you think Professor McGonagall would be back soon? Draco snapped.

Potter cocked his head and nodded in agreement.

Draco sneered his best sneer while his face still being beet red, and plopped himself back on the table.

By the time Professor McGonagall came back, Potter had already cleaned the whole classroom by himself and they were waiting by one of the tables.

Alright boys, I hope youve learnt your lesson, I do not wish to see any repeats of todays behaviour do you hear me?

Yes, Professor. They chorused.

They stepped outside the classroom, breathed in the fresh air, and Draco glared at Potter one last time before heading off to the boys bathroom to have the best wank of his life.

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