The Bathroom Scene

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As the sun rose up, the birds happy singing woke up Harry.

He expected the same warmth to hold him, but the sharp stab of cold tiles against skin snapped him out of his sleepy trance.

The first thing that came to mind was: Wheres Draco?

Harry rubbed at his eyes, fondled around on the ground, looking for his glasses, and when he found them, he saw an empty broom shed, with no blondie insight.

He leaned back on the wall, resting his head on the cold wall. Last night was surely remarkable, Draco Malfoy, the ferret; Malfoy heir; Slytherin Ice Prince; crush/love of his life, fell asleep on his shoulder.

But the strange emptiness reminded him that it was only those few hours, and Draco must have left rather early.

Staring at the sunlight streaming through the half-opened wooden door, he gave a long sigh.

This year has sure been eventful.

Thinking about itthe reason he followed Draco around in the first place was that Harry thought that he bore the dark mark and was a spy for the death eaters.

Harrys heart sped up at the thought of having to face the git in battle. Would he be able to point his wand at him again? As an enemy?

The answer was no.

Harry really didnt want to hurt Draco, even if he was such a sneaky bastard sometimes. Whatever Draco is planning to do, he must stop him before the damage thats too late to reverse happens.

And so, he sprinted back to the castle, checking on Hagrid half-way, also noting that it was just time for breakfast.

Harry! Where the bloody hell have you been! Harry was confronted by the mother tiger of the school, Hermione Granger.

Harry had just entered the gates and unfortunately bumped into his friends there.

Oi! Mione! That was my line! Ron whined.

But Hermione ignored him, instead, she kept glaring at Harry, maybe because he hadnt finished his transfiguration essay and it was due today?

I-uh, was in the astronomy tower, checking out the stars? Harry muttered.

Hmph. Hermione pouted; she obviously didnt believe Harrys see-through lie.

Harry looked despairingly at Ron, hoping that his best friend would help him out. Ron gave Harry an odd look but still changed the subject.

Im starving! Can we go eat now?

Right! Im hungry too. Harry said while half-heartedly waving at Terry Boot who walked by.

Hermione didnt reply, but she turned and strolled along the corridor.

Her quick strides make her seem pissed, but when no one could see her expression, she let out a small smile.

Pansy, that sneaky Slytherin!

She giggled and kept walking. Leaving a confused Harry and a scared Ron, as the sudden smile surely meant something is being planned in Hermiones brain.

Harry wasnt in a good mood as breakfast went by in a rush, as he didnt see a certain Slytherin at the green table full of snickering kids.

He didnt know what to do, his main concern was having a proper talk with Malfoy, all the Voldemort thingies are buried in the depths of his mind.

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