The Duel You Shouldn't Have

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Draco was aware that this was not planned, but it seemed like it anyways.

He confessed just yesterday and now theres already a very suspicious duel issued by none other than his trusted godfather.

But all these thoughts were blown away when a disarming spell was shot his way. Out of instinct, he raised his wand and casted a shielding charm. He backed away a few steps and waved his wand, a stinging hex.

Draco didnt realise that the duel had begun, but he soon got back into the mode, he shot hexes and spells at Potter, who shielded them cleverly, while Draco reflected or dogged most of the spells sent his way.

Hex after hex was flown across the room, Draco didnt know how long itd been, but now they were dangerously close to each other. They were a metre apart and the spells were getting ridiculous. Tickling hexes, lip-locking jinks, Draco even sent a slug vomiting hex somewhere.

They were both concentrated on each other, determined not to let the other win, Draco flung another spell at Potter, and used the few seconds of advantage to catch a glimpse at the clock. From Dracos speedy calculations, he figured that theyve been at each others throats for nearly an hour now, no wonder why Draco was running out of hexes even though he had a whole gallery of them in his brain.

Draco was confident in not getting hit by any spell for the two seconds he spent looking at the clock, but how wrong he was.

Frankly, it wasnt Potter who had cast the spell, Draco didnt know who, but he just knew that it come from the audience, presumably one of his Slytherin friends.

Blinding pain hit him, his skin felt like it was burning off his flesh, something along the lines of a creature ripping his flesh out. His senses were gone for some time, the pain seemed to last forever, but quickly disappeared when he felt something else on his skin.

It was tight and

Darn it.

Potter had casted a binding spell his way.

With the pain interrupting his senses, he could only stand there and watch as the ropes soared towards him and clung onto his body.

As soon as the ropes touched him, the pain was gone, replaced by somethingwarm?

No. It was more than that. Hot.

Yes, it was hotter than anything, his body was on fire and his mind was running at 20 miles per minute. He tried to think, who did this and how could he possibly get out of this situation unharmed. But the more he thought, the more blood rushed to the south.

He could feel himself being turned on. Furthermore, Potters existence didnt help either.

Dracos legs gave out, he whimpered and fell to the ground, his hands rose to grab a hold of something. Unfortunately, his whole body was bound. He could only pant as he dropped to the ground, trying his best to keep his thighs together and not falling over.

He saw as Potter looked at him, then Weasel and Granger, Draco could see the hesitation on his face, and he knew what Potter was thinking.

If Potter came to his aid, it would be extremely suspicious as they always despised each other. And if he doesnt, Draco thought numbly, Id know thats hes just playing with me.

But he has his friends and reputation to think about

Draco tried to think about other things to cover his obvious boner, but it doesnt seem to be working. Whatever that spell was, it had something to do with Aphrodisiac, because the heat surrounding Draco just wouldnt go away, and the ropes arent helping either.

However, everything in him mind froze as he saw Potter jog towards him and kneel.

Malfoy, are you alright?

Draco froze.

This was something he did not expect. And it seemed like neither did the rest of Gryffindor.

Draco glanced around the room, arousal all forgotten, and saw that all the Gryffindors had similar faces, either shocked or disgust. It wasnt news to him that the Slytherin remained calm. Most pure bloods can remain clam even in the most shocking situations, just like they were trained to do so. And they did so well that even the famous Harry Potter asking if a Malfoy was alright, was not enough to swoop them off their feet.

The hand stretched in front of him reminded Draco that Potter was still standing in front of him with a worried expression, and he was still in class with everyone watching. Snapes class, he reminded, which only annoyed him more since it was his bloody godfathers fault he even got into this in the first place: Tied up on the floor in front of everyone, with the saviour of the wizarding world reaching out to him and with an incredibly hard boner.

What an amazing week this has been.

Draco turned his attention back to the boy before him, Do you need new glasses, or can you not see that Im stuck like this because of your horrible failure at a proper binding charm?

Oh, um Potter awkwardly pulled back his hand and scratched the back of his neck.

He waved his wand and muttered a counter spell.

Draco closed his eyes waiting for the feel of freedom once again, when nothing happened, he peeked open an eye to see a very confused Potter and a pissed off Snape.

Now, now, when Professor Snape tends to get mad, its best to stay away, but from the years Draco has spent with him, he knows that his dear godfather isnt actually mad, its just doing this for reputation. That just pissed him off so much more, knowing that this was all planned.

Draco huffed, and shuffled in his uncomfortable position. What he forgot was that he still had a rage on. How would someone forget that theyre hard? Draco has no idea, or maybe hes just weird. Probably the latter.

-how about we let Professor Flitwick deal with this? Draco heard Professor Snape suggest.

Oh no, what if Flitwick sees his hard on?

That would just be humiliating.

But there was nothing Draco could do when he watched Potter nod in agreement. He is going to make whoever did this pay, most of all, Potter, for being an attractive idiot.

Soon, Professor Flitwick was here to try some spells on the ropes, but they just dont seem to work, in the end, they had to fetch Professor McGonagall too, and she was hella angry at us.

It was just a simply duel! How could you two turn it into an invention of a new spell that no one knows how to counter? Heavens above, you two will be serving detention for the next month! Also, since Mr Potter is also at fault, I suggest you two go wait in the abandoned classroom that we will lead you to and clean up everything with out wands, since the binding charm on Mr Malfoy is very likely to wear off in the next hour. The old hag had said.

Now he was stuck with some immature but super famous boy in an abandoned classroom for who knows how long. The thing is, Draco still hasnt given his answer to Potters confession, and he doesnt plan on doing so. And this, he could tell, is going to be the breaking point where he will be forced to admit everything.

Draco knows everything will change after this, So how should we do this? The golden boy asked, placing himself on a dusty table.

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