The End of the War

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The rest of the year flew by in a blur.

Harry did not know how to feel.

First the bathroom duel; then Dumbledores death; the Horcrux hunt; battle of Hogwarts; and lastly the death of the Darkest wizard of all times.

Hes currently sitting in the ruins of the Great Hall; it didnt seem so great to him at the moment.

Reliving all the deaths of his dearest friends and family, Harry just couldnt bear it anymore.

He watched as the unforgivable curse was cast, Avada Kedavra, Dumbledores spineless body falling through the air and out of his life. He watched, replayed the scene too many times to count, nothing he could do. Even though he knew that Dumbledore had raised him up to die, he was still a fatherly figure in Harrys heart.

He watched as the Horcruxes were destroyed, one by one, with each he felt the Dark Lord weakening. Lastly, the shock of Snapes memories, his love to Harrys mother; the truth of Snapes past; and what Harry had to do: destroy the last Horcrux—himself.

He watched as his limp body laid in the forbidden forest, the death eaters laughing, Narcissa Malfoy standing over him and announcing his death. Harry couldnt have been more grateful. Then there was the dream or heaven. King Cross station in white fluffy clouds, the shivering body beneath the bench, and what Dumbledore had said.

He watched as Draco made his way to the other side, a sign that hell never be free from his wrong choices. The despair on his face made it so unbearable for Harry, as he knows that it was not the right time He watched as all his friends mourned his death, hed never forget the hopeless look on Hagrids face as he carried Harry into the Hogwarts grounds. And Neville, oh Neville. No one was as brave as that boy, standing up to Voldemort, pulling the sword of Gryffindor and letting it shine as the last hope for all goodness.

He watched himself leap out of Hagrids arms, the expression on his face like someones torch relit itself in a haunted house, an Incendio out of his mouth, aiming at the snake. The shock and happiness on Dracos face when he saw Harry alive and kicking.

The disbelief of everyone overwhelmed with emotions, however, the movements on his arms and legs never moving. Shooting spells like they were his second nature (On second thought, It is his second nature).

Harry felt like he was drowning and falling at the same time.

Before he knew it, he was back to reality.

PoTtAh! Harrys ears perked up at the voice, his whole body warmed up, and there was nothing else in his mind then the snarky face of a blond Slytherin.

However, his dreams were disrupted when he realized the call came from Mad-Eye-Moody.


I need to find Draco Malfoy, Harry stated once Hogwarts had been rebuilt.

McGonagall had half expected this to happen, and she nodded without hesitation.

You wont even ask me why?

You defeated the Dark—Voldemort again, Harry, I think youre mature enough to know how to avoid trouble.

Both of them stayed silent until they couldnt hold it in anymore burst out laughing.

Harry couldnt believe that McGonagall trusted him to stay out of trouble after everything his existence had caused.

Harry bid his goodbyes when the laughter died down, everyone was partying, so it was rather easy to find everyone.

All his friends and people he doesnt know greeted him with the utmost respect but soon froze as Harry announced his intentions.

You cant! Ron yelled.

Its Malfoy! He betrayed us! Seamus complained.

Dont you remember what he did? Cho asked.

Harry took a deep breath.

I fancy Malfoy.

There was only silence.

No one dared to speak.

Is that enough reason? To save whom I love? Harry looked around the room.

Hermione was the first to break the silence.

I KNEW IT! She screamed and ran over to pat Harry on the back.

Now Harry was just as confused as everyone else had.

How? He croaked, the thought of Hermione knowing about him and Draco all along somehow scared the heck out of him.

Pansy Parkinson, shes one brilliant schemer. Hermione chuckled, In fact, Im not afraid to tell you, that night when you and Malfoy were in the broom shed? Yeah, we set that up.

Hermiones explanation left Harry dumbfounded, hed never guessed in a million lives that Hermione Jeans Granger would set him up on a bloody date, with bloody Draco Malfoy.

Meh, everyone has their first times.

Pulling himself back together, Harry made some promises and bid his goodbyes. He is officially retired from war and death, now hes going to go get his man!

Its time to play mouse and cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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