When Your Crush hears you talk Bad Things About them

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Harry, mate, did you see what Malfoy did last night? Ron spluttered.

Uh...I waswasted? Harry itched the back of his neck.

They were currently in the middle of the hall right outside the Potions classroom, and they finally had the chance to talk about last nights events, which Harry really didnt look forward to.

He still hadnt had the sibling talk with Hermione yet, since he used the excuse of My head hurts, can we talk about that tomorrow?. Furthermore, they had a billion practice tests today and so they never got the chance to talk.

It was the break time after potions and Ron had stopped Harry and Hermione at the door before Harry could even think about running away. And now he must listen to Ron go all detective mode on finding out who Malfoy kissed.

I saw, clearly. Hermione interrupted.

Exactly! And do you know what that means? Ron grinned like a twelve-year-old girl, What? Harry tried to act innocent, while Hermione gave him a look.

That Malfoy has kissed a Gryffindor before! This is brilliant blackmail material, guys! He yelped.

Ron, I dont think thats the sensible thing to do. Harry tried to turn the tide.

But its Malfoy!

Even if its Malfoy, we cant do that.

Hes bullied us for years! Ron shouted.

Harry was sweating by now, Hermione wasnt being any help by looking at him with a knowing look in her eyes.

Harry, why are you standing up for him? Ron took a step towards Harry.

I-Im not! Im just saying that if we blackmail him, wed be doing the same thing hes doing, which makes us just as bad as him. He tried to reason with the redhead.

Didnt Malfoy kiss a Gryffindor? Do you have any idea who it might be? Hermione switched the subject, Harry let out a sigh.

Ew! Who in their right mind would want to kiss that ferret! Ron stuck out his tongue, They must have been forced or something!

Harry gulped.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Hermione nod.

If Ron found out this would turn out very colourful.

Harry? Ron waved a hand in front of him.


Dont you agree with me?

With what?

That whoever kissed Malfoy must be either imperious-ed or out of their mind! Ron seemed to want to carve this as a fact into everyones mind.

Of course Harry said, a little too soft.

You agree with me, right? Ron growled, That git doesnt deserve to kiss any Gryffindor, they probably just wanted to mess with him.

HahayeahThey probably hate him for even touching them already Harry felt his heart clench as those words flooded out of his mouth.

He flinched as Hermione glared at him and Ron.

You two should be ashamed of yourselves! You shouldnt be saying things like that behind anyones back. Harry you of all people should understand that! She huffed, and Harry really felt the anger behind those words.

The git deserved it! Why are you speaking up for him anyway? Did he kiss you? Ron roared back.

This is getting of hand.

No, Ron! Just because I have some decency doesnt mean Im guilty! She screamed back.

Rons face was beet red, and he turned to Harry for support.

Tell her Harry, tell her how Malfoy is a disgusting worm. He seethed.


You cant force him to say something that he doesnt believe in, Ronald! She growled.

Mate, I know you hate Malfoy, just tell Hermione how wrong she is! That prick will always be a pain in the ass!

People can change! Hermione yelled.

I-I do hate him, Harry said smoothly, Hermione narrowed her eyes, But Hermione why are you standing up for him?

Harry knows clearly why Hermione is talking for Malfoy. And he really likes it. But Hermione can come around this, however, it might never appear to Ron that Malfoy can change. Harry doesnt blame him, the Weasleys and Malfoys have been at each others throats for as long as he could remember.

Harrys desperate, he doesnt want to lose any of his friends. Or Malfoy. But what can he do? He likes Malfoy, Hermione might get over it one day, but Ron? Itd be a luxury to ask of him not to hex Malfoys bollocks off.

Because its wrong to talk about anyone like this behind- Hermione was cut short when all three of them heard a loud crash from the pillar behind Harry.

They swished back to the source of the sound and Harry caught a glimpse of platinum blond hair before the person dashed off the other way of the corridor.

Harry didnt expect anyone to not notice their argument. But merlin curses him—out of everybody of Hogwarts, it had to be bloody Malfoy who heard their insults. Especially when it was directed towards him, plus, Harry cant even say if their relationship is just a snip of emotions. And now hes ruined all chances with him.

Was that Malfoy? Hermione asked, stunned.

Who cares, but if it is, serves him right for being a prat. Ron spat.

Wow, Harry thought, hes never going to be able to resolve the hate between Ron and Malfoy, is he?

Ronald Bilius Weasley! If you dont apologize for this instant, I swear you will never talk to me again! Hermione gave her last warning.

But Ron just crossed his arms and lifted his chin.

Fine! Have it your way then!

With that, Hermione stormed of to transfiguration, leaving Harry with a very angry Ron.

In the end, they took the long way to their next class, Professor McGonagall didnt seem happy about it, but that was the last thing on his mind.

All throughout transfiguration, all that was on his mind was Malfoy, Malfoy, MALFOY!!!!

He regretted deeply why he hadnt chased after him and explained the situation to him properly. But there was not turning back now.

He imagined many scenarios where hed made up to Malfoy and they had some heart to heart time. However, there were also some depressing scenarios that showed how Malfoy would never talk to him again.

In his mind, the latter seemed more appropriate.

He signed for the millionth time this week.

Why does life love to play tricks with him so much?

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