Chapter 13: sharing

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C H A P T E R 13

C H A P T E R 13

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"She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings"

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The sound of the fire crackling fills Liv's ears and she lays on her stomach next to the fire. Her legs swing in the air as her, Hermione, Harry and Ron all work on their potions homework. Hermione sits next to Liv crossed leg while the boys sit across from the girls.

The past 2 weeks Liv has spent most of her time with the three. Harry and Liv have gotten extremely close, they opened up to each other a lot in such short time. They don't have a romantic relation but more as a brother sister relation. Just like the one she has with the twins and Neville.

After the first few D.A meeting the Gryffindors have gotten more used to her. She still gets notes from some Slytherins a lot of they make snide comments when she passes them in the halls but the Gryffindors are opening up to her.

Seamus and Dean have even apologized for judging her the first couple months. Now when she walks into the common room people send her small smiles or waves. Lavender still doesn't like the girl but Liv honestly doesn't care.

The only house that has a problem with her is Slytherin but as long as Draco is in Slytherin feeding them lies, they aren't going to like her. She's just grateful that she's not an outcast in her own house.

"Okay so you would add-" Harry starts to say when Ginny burst through the common room with a huge smile running over and tackling Liv in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" she squeals letting go of Liv so she can sit up.

"You're welcome" Liv says skeptically. "What did I do?" Ginny grabs a piece of parchment holding it out to show she got all marks on it. Liv squeals bringing Ginny in for another hug.

"I'm lost, what happened?" Ron asks the other two. Liv and Ginny pull apart and Liv sits with one knee up to her chest, her other leg straight.

"She passed her charms test" Liv told them.

"Good job Ginny" Hermione congratulated genuinely seeing as she was very focused on grades.

"It's all thanks to Liv, she's been helping me study" Ginny praises sitting next to her brother who gives her a high five.

"Give yourself some credit Ginny, I just helped" Liv shrugged.

Ginny smiled down at her paper brightly. The other 4 went back to their potions homework that Snape assigned the day before.

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