Chapter 22: House Party

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H O U S E  P A R T Y

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H O U S E  P A R T Y

"Call me friend but keep me closer"

•  •  •  •  •  •

The snowy weather froze Liv from her toes to her ears. Her nose was a bright pink colors and she was sure she was going to need to go madam Pomfrey  for frostbite by the end of the game.

That still didn't change the fact that she would have to sit on the cold stands next to Neville watching the game until someone caught the snitch. It had only just begun and Liv was already frozen.

Although Liv felt like a popsicle she was grateful to spend some time with Neville. She had gotten so busy she hadn't gotten to spend a lot of time with him lately and had to admit she missed the awkward boy.

"Are you cold?" Neville asked listening to Liv's teeth chatter. Liv looked at him with a "are you serious" look.

"No, I'm actually quite hot" she said before they both chuckled slightly and turned back to the game.

It was Gryffindor against Slytherin meaning the game was much more serious than most. The entire game Liv was on the edge of her seat. Every time Ron would mess up a loud booing came from the Slytheran stands.

Liv wanted to walk over and curse them but she knew she'd be expelled if she did. She instead sent them nasty glares before focusing back on the game.

You could practically hear a pen drop as Harry raced through the air trying to catch the snitch. No one dared to move. Suddenly his fingers wrapped around the golden ball and they entire Gryffindor along with Hufflepuff and ravenclaw stands erupted in cheers.

"They won!" Neville cheered as Liv wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a celebratory hug. The boy flushed red but hugged her back.

"Let's go down there" Liv says grabbing his hand and dragging him past the Gryffindor crowd rushing to the field. When Liv got there Neville was immediately dragged away by Seamus and Dean.

Liv spotted Harry's dark brown hair in the crowed as the twins lifted him onto their shoulders. She frowned slightly not seeing Ron. Her eyes scanned the field but he wasn't there. Before she could question anything Harry spotted her and called her name.

"Liv!" He shouted as the twins set him down. Liv ran over and wrapped the boy in a hug.

"Good game Harry" she smiled at him before she was lifted into the air by the twins.

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