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Every single person in this universe has a different life. And each life is like a story.

Some are unfortunately short. Some are so long, you would be surprised.

Some might seem boring with a routine set and some have too much drama in it.

There could be many parts to a story. Angst, crack, wholesome, funny, romantic...the list goes on.

Romantic parts aren't that common in real life. You have many more things to worry about, like taxes, trying to get your order right in McDonald's, actually passing your test, getting a job that can support you without your parents nagging, and so on.

A guy or girl probably isn't even on the list.

And love itself can be tricky.

I wish Google had a clear answer to everything, but when it comes to love Google is as good as me in a math test that I prepared for the night before.

Love could be a spark that you felt when you connect deeply with a person, or a feeling that develops after months- maybe even years of knowing someone.

Many people think that it's love when you've hung out with a person for a week and can't seem to forget about them. And honestly, I don't know. It could be, but I don't think so.

For is a feeling that you develop for someone you deeply care for them. You genuinely wish for the best for them. Even if it's not you who gives it to them.

Love is something that you can't feel overnight or something you can control. It's not your heart that decides what love is, it's your subconscious. A heart is just an organ that helps us survive after all.

Love is something way too deep that an organ as simple as a heart can handle.

Ultimately, it's you who decides who you fall in love with, even if you don't know it. It's always you, and in most cases, you can not control it.

Weird, right? I just said that it's you who decides who to fall in love with, yet you can't control it? That makes no sense.

Indeed, it makes no sense.

Unless you've been in my place.

You see, I've seen quite a lot of people's stories, and not all of them have love, but those who do...

They know what I'm talking about.

Love is pain. Love is happiness. Love is anger. Love is despair. Love is everything.

Love is just a messed up bowl of different ice creams mashed up together.

You can't just pick happiness. It's all mixed up. You either choose the royal mess or nothing at all.

This royal mess though, one day, might be worth it.

And if it isn't, you cry, mope, and move on.

You cannot afford to lose anything more. Life is a story, and stories do not end with one chapter.

You have got so many more, and you don't need someone with you to write those chapters.

So go. Write your own story. Choose the right words, the right people, and live the way you want.

It's your story, it doesn't have to be terrible or boring. The pen is in your hands.

Good luck, dear writers.

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Copyright © 2020 by ilovequackson3000

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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Editor: the_naomi

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