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At work, where he spent most of the day, he sharpened up a few screwdrivers of various sizes on the stone grinder and made them into ice picks that he could use in self-defence if it was ever necessary. He kept busy, did his work and smoked cigarettes with his co-workers. One of them was a biker with ‘The Paradise Riders’. He was cool and sometimes P would sell him half quarters of weed. The man one day asked P how long it would take him to move a pound of weed. P told him it depends how he sells it, and he asked him why he was asking.

His co worker told him he had a grow-op going and he could throw him some pounds when it’s done. P said “Cool!”

A week later that same man asked P if he could lend him thirty bucks. P always had money but he wondered why this man that had fifty collectable muscle cars, grow-ops, and money, was asking him for money.

“Don’t you have a bag of money and cars and stuff? Why do you want a petty ass thirty bucks from me?” P asked him.

The man told him how the government just froze his bank accounts because one of his grow-ops got busted and he’s under investigation, so till the investigation was over his bank accounts were frozen.

“That’s fucked up!” P told him.

The man had millions in bank accounts and assets and he was asking him for thirty bucks to buy some groceries. That was fucked up and P decided not to ever keep money in the bank at that point. He lent him the money.

When the course was over sometime in November or early December, he got the four credits for the course and he tried doing some other classes. His first regular class in an actual classroom, he stayed at a desk in the back of the class.

Before the teacher got there, the ‘cool’ kids, who were really a bunch of nerds, were throwing paper balls at some ‘nerd’ kid for no reason just because they were so ‘cool’. “Why are you guys bothering the kid for?” P asked them.

“Cuz he’s a nerd and we can, ha ha ha ha,” they answered, the typical ‘cool’ guy response.

“If you losers don’t cut that shit out I’ll bust your heads wide open right here and now in front of the whole class!” P said looking them in the eyes. He also told them if they wanted to pick on someone to pick on him and see how they will end up. To which of course the ‘cool tough’ guys settled down and shut the fuck up even though they were all much physically bigger than P. P stayed in that class but the second one he walked out on because he couldn’t stand the atmosphere or the teacher who wasn’t even sure what he was teaching.

P went to school a few more days but didn’t go to classes really, he sold and smoked some weed and hung out in the cafeteria. On the third day a ‘cool tough guy’ from his elementary school that was in an older grade at the high school said something negative to P and P told him to go fuck himself. The ‘cool tough guy’ grabbed P by the shirt and pushed him against a wall, so P smashed the guy in the face a few times with his fist and the guy left.

The following day another ‘cool tough guy’ said something to P along the lines of ‘you think you run this school or something’ to which P told him to fuck himself and his pussy school. The guy ran at P, so P defended himself and smashed his face a few times as well. Then older students rushed in to break it up luckily for the bigger ‘cool tough guy’.

That same week the school went under construction so they moved the school to Bathurst Heights on Lawrence West byJungle[1]. P went a few days there as well but he had no intention of staying in school.

The morning of the second day at the temporary school on Lawrence West, P was walking through the hallway when the national anthem and the morning prayer came on. While they’re on, you are supposed to freeze on the spot and not talk till it’s all over, but P didn’t have any respect for the school or for their rules. He kept walking through the hallway while everyone stood in place and at the end of the hall a teacher told him to stop. “Or what?” P said, and kept going.

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