Chapter 36

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(Y/N) Your Name
(D/N) Dog's Name

Jeonghee had received a call from the police that he was to bring the boys to a station for some information regarding the suspects. The producer and director insisted he did so, and that they would prepare everything for the concert the next day so as not to place any further stress on the boys.

There was a skip in his step that morning as he made his way to Jin's room.

"Jin? Hello?" He entered the room with his room key.

No one was inside. He frowned, but moved on to Yoongi's door. "Yoongi, wake up."

Once again, empty bed. He tried Hoseok's room. Nothing.

Strange, this was not the agreement he had agreed upon with the men. Had they taken the others too?

He settled on Namjoon's door. This time he walked in on a bed full of seven boys covered in a blanket holding each other instead of pillows.

Jeonghee smirked. The more they were upset about (Y/N), the more likely they could pay.

"Get up boys, the sheriff called. They have some news about (Y/N)." He called out from the door.

In an instant, they began to sit up and get out of the bed.

"Did they find her?!" Jin asked.

Jeonghee shook his head. "I don't think so, but they're getting close."


I sat in a small closet spaced room, watching the tiny tv in front of me. The news reporting was about the giant crowds gathering in LA in front of the concert venue where the famed BTS would be performing the next day.


Someone opened the door and handed me a plate of bread and eggs. I took it quietly.

It hadn't been long, maybe a night. I woke up here. I couldn't get out, no matter what I tried. There were no windows, just enough space for a door, a tiny mattress and a small tv on the floor. I would try to sneak out, but the men who kept me here had guns.

"When am I getting out?" I asked.

"That depends on how cooperative your friends are." He responded before closing the door.

I frowned. They clearly didn't want to hurt me. They needed me alive for some reason. I assumed it was money. This had to be pulled off by some professionals if they all had guns and wore suits. I often heard arguing and voices down the hall but couldn't make anything out.

Yet in all this madness, all I could think about were the guys. They had to be worried. I wanted them to know that I was alright. That everything would be ok, and that they needed to keep going on with the tour and their lives. I would return soon.

Someone had to stay hopeful during all of this.


"They made contact. It's a ransom." The sheriff from the night before explained to Namjoon and Jeonghee. "They're asking for a million US dollars."

Namjoon's face remained unchanged, while Jeonghee went into hysterics. "A million?! A million dollars?! Well what do you think about that Namjoon?"

"I'll talk to my friends, but it should be fine. We'll pay it." He said simply.

Jeonghee hid his smile by pursing his lips. "Well if you say so."

"We'll send a reply." The sheriff nodded as she left the room.

Namjoon turned around to where the other boys sat. He sighed and pushed his hair through his head. "They want a million US dollars."

"Ok." Hoseok nodded. The others did as well.

"Do they know who did it?" Asked Jungkook, his lips forming a tight line.

"No. But they might find out." Namjoon reassured him. "And even if they don't, it looks like we should have (Y/N) back in time for the flight home."

Taehyung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Jimin looked over and put his shoulder around him, pulling him in. "See? We knew everything would be ok."

"I just don't understand. First we get robbed and (Y/N) gets framed, now she's kidnapped and they want a ransom? What if it's the same person?" Asked Yoongi.

Jin looked over. "I hadn't thought about that."

"Whoever it is just wants money. Let's give it to them and move past this whole thing." Hoseok suggested.

"I think Hobi is right guys. I'm tired of this. I just want to do this last concert and go back home, with (Y/N)." Insisted Jin.

Those words hit them all. Home with (Y/N). Home, where she'd wake them all up and they'd throw pillows. Home, where when someone got sick she made them soup and tea. Home, where they made dinner and drank beer together. Home, where (Y/N) went on walks with (D/N) and wasn't snatched away.



I laid on the mattress, staring at the very low ceiling. I guess one good thing did come
out of this. I had plenty of time to think about my situation with the boys.


The names danced in my head like a merry go round. I knew I had feelings of my own, but for who was a mystery. I loved them all, truly, and I didn't want to risk our friendship. I didn't want to risk my job. Who knew if any of them would love me back?

I heard voices and footsteps shuffling outside. I scattered to the door quietly and leaned my ear against it.

"And you've been feeding her? Taking care of her?"

That voice was very familiar. I leaned against the door again.

"Yes. She's ready to go. The transaction is tomorrow."

"Perfect. I'm glad this could work out."

I hadn't noticed how much weight I was pushing against the door. It swung wide open, and I fell through. I heard a gun's clicking and I looked straight up into Jeonghee's terrified eyes and a man pointing a gun right at me.

"Get back inside!" He shouted.

My stomach churned. I felt nauseous, dizzy, light headed.


"I'm s-sorry I-sorry but I-what?!" My thoughts spilled one after the other.

The man with the gun kicked me and shoved me back into the closet. He slammed the door and I heard severe yelling. This time I had a feeling I shouldn't try to listen.

The Tale of the Assistant: A Reader X BTS StoryWhere stories live. Discover now