Chapter 5: Together, you and me.

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While the VKs were practicing, Jeongyeon couldn't focus on anything making their coach sigh

"jeongyeon, You wanna rest for a bit?" He asked. Jeongyeon just went to Momo and sat down next to her "You okay Jeong?" Momo handed her a waterbottle "no. I couldn't focus. I don't know..." Jeongyeon sighed and watched them practice "You think it's about Nayeon?" Momo asked. Jeongyeon shrugs then looks the other way "I don't want to talk about it.." she muttered then drunk the rest of the water. Momo sighed and pats Jeongyeon's shoulder. they watched as the three maknaes played against the prince's until Tzuyu was pushed and scrape her elbow

"YOW WHAT THE FUCK?!" Chaeyoung yelled "The fuck is your problem?" Mark, the guy who pushed Tzuyu said "the fuck is YOUR problem! you just pushed Tzuyu!" Chaeyoung said "that should teach her a lesson not to mess with me!" Mark said and smirked "fucking pussy.." Tzuyu muttered but was still heard "what did you say punk?" Mark made his way to Tzuyu and grabbed her by the collar "I said you're a fucking pussy" Tzuyu repeated which gained punch from Mark. Aladdin was about to interferre when a force field stopped them from getting close to the two.

Tzuyu stared into Mark and repeated what she said "you're.. a fucking.. pussy.. you coward little bitch.." she said and spat at him. Mark was pissed off and continued to punch her, as he beat her up, the sky start to turn grey, Tzuyu looking unfazed with what Mark is doing to her. Mark gritted his teeth and was about to punch her again when someone yelled "MARK! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Sana yelled out and ran to them. Mark lets go of Tzuyu then looks at Sana with a surprised expression "p-princess.." he stuttered. The sky became clear, the force field was gone as Sana made her way to Tzuyu "hey, are you okay? what happened?" Sana looked at Tzuyu worriedly. Tzuyu didnt say anything but just stare at Sana before managing to stand up. without a word, she made herway to Mark and gave him a strong punch in the face "That's what you get.. fucking pussy.." she said before wiping the blood off her nose then going to the opposite side. Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Jeongyeon immediately followed Tzuyu. Momo stared at Sana before following the three.

"Tzu! are you okay? he got you pretty bad" Dahyun said and looked at Tzuyu's bruises "I'm fin--OUCH! THE FUCK DON'T TOUCH IT!" Tzuyu growled "okay okay jeez. you need to get that cured Tzu." Dahyun said and looked for Momo "where's Momo unnie?" she asked and as if on cue, Momo came to them with Sana "Tzuyu! you okay? your face.. yeesh.." Momo said and looked at her bruises "i know. but its not that bad.." Tzuyu looked at sana "what is she doing here?' she asked "well.. she's the only one who can heal you so I figured.. ya know--" Momo trailed off and bit her lip "no." Tzuyu said and was about to leave when Sana held her hand "you're coming with me whether your stubborn little ass wants to or not." She said and pulled her to the clinic. "so um.. we're just gonna let them go?" Chaeyoung asked "I guess? I still have some classes, what about you unnie?" Dahyun said "I'll be at the dorm. i'm having a headache. you?" Jeongyeon asked Chaeyoung "i'll come with you, I'll just go draw at the tower for a bit" Chaeyoung said and left. Momo also had the same class with Dahyun so she came with. leaving Jeongyeon to walk to their dorm alone.

meanwhile with SaTzu,

"why are you even pulling me?" Tzuyu asked. Sana didnt answer and just pull her to the room and close the door. she made Tzuyu sit down and held her hand "Let's make this quick." Tzuyu said and avoided eye contact "no. not unless you tell me what happened." Sana said and stared at her  "that pussy lad pushed me so Chaeng pushed him back then they started fighting but I blocked him off Chae so he targetted me. end of story." Tzuyu said with no emotion and stared at Sana. Sana nodded and looked around for a clean clothe before washing off the blood from Tzuyu's face "alright.. don't freak out on what I'm about to do." Sana said "your hair will glow? not surprised. do it. I have to go do something" Tzuyu said and closed her eyes. Sana stared at her before holding her hand and begun singing the heal song

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine 
Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine 
What once was mine...

Sana stared at Tzuyu's face as it slowly healed. she puts a hand on the latters cheek. Tzuyu kept her eyes closed and held sana's hand on her cheek before opening her eyes and staring at the latter's green eyes "you know.. That Mark dude is really pissing me off" she said in a low voice. Sana gulps and nods "I'll.. tell my parents.." she said and was about to stand up when Tzuyu pulled her again causing her to sit on the purple head's lap, their faces was inches apart "t-tzuyu.." sana stuttered. Tzuyu hummed in response "I'm sorry.." Sana said and hugged the latter. Tzuyu sighed "I was really hurt when you guys didn't trust us.. but.. I'm glad you apologized.. I could'nt ignore you" Tzuyu smiled. Sana smiled aswell and kisses the latter's forhead "let's get back to class.. you big pole" she said and got off the girl's lap before leaving the room

Chaeyoung made her way to the tower, humming a song until she stopped in her tracks "h-huh?..." she looked behind her and saw something running at her "oh..god.. FUCCCCCKKKKK!" she ran and ran but the thing got to her. Too focused on escaping the creature, she didnt see the person infront of her "WOAHH LOOK OUT--" they crashed "ahh.. hey, are you okay? I'm sorry I was--" Chaeyoungs words was cutted off when the creature jumped on her back 'AHHHHHHHH! HERP ME!!!! ahhh" Chaeyoung screame and tried to get the creature off her. Mina looked at Chaeyoung worriedly before grabbing the creature off her "Ray! bad dog! aishh how did you escape from your cage again?" Mina scolded her dog. The dog just barks at her making the japanese laugh, she looked at Chaeyoung, who was breathing heavily "did I die? did the thing bite off my fingers? cant I draw anymore? dont I have any more chances with mi--" Chaeyoung was cutted off when Mina spoke "Chaeng? you okay?" Chaeyoung's eyes widned and immediately sat up and moved back, a meter away from MIna "s-sorry, I didnt see you whenthat..thing was chasing me.." Chaeyoung said and looked away. Mina sighed and pats the dogs head "sorry if.. Ray keeps chasing you. dogs aren't what your mom said they are.." She said "are you saying my mom's a liar?" Chaeyoung looked at her with a brow raises "w-what? no! I'm sure she had a reason why she told you that because of her story, but in all reality, not all dogs are finger eating animals.." Mina said and looked at Ray "h-here.. try petting him.." she said and slowly gave Ray to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung looked at Ray before she hesitantly reaches over and pets the dog, Ray immediately licks her hand and run to her embrace. Chaeyoung smiled and pets the dog "good boy~" she said and continued showering the dogs with her attention, leaving Mina. not gonna lie, Mina felt a little jealous but she had no reason to be jealous at her own dog. an idea pop in Chaeyoungs head "Here, hold him. I'll draw you guys real quick" she said and grabbed her notebook and pencil. Mina smiled and posed with her dog as Chaeyoung  drew them with a smile on her face.

Dahyun and Momo went to their clas but was suspended because the teachers had a meeting. "oh, what are we gonna do now?" Dahyun asked MOmo but the latter just shrugged making Dahyun pout but was replaced with a grin "wanna go teasure hunting?" she asked "treasure hunting? where would we find some treasure?" Momo asked, Dahyun smirked "I found one already" she said and winks. Momo blushes "aishh you and your cheesy line" she chuckled. Dahyun smiled "no seriously, I'll ask my mirror where we can find some hidden treasure" Dahyun grabbed her mirror and spoke to it "mirror mirror in my hand, show me where we can find treasure on this land" she said and the mirror immediately showed them the nearest treasure hidden "come on" Dahyun held her hand and lead the way

Jeongyeon was sitting on the window from their room when she saw Dahyun and Momo "HEY DUBU! WHERE YA GOING?" she yelled 'TREASURE HUNTING WITH MY LOVE! DON'T BOTHER US!' Dahyun yelled back and ran away with Momo. Jeongyeon shrugs and drink her tea when she choked "DID HE JUST SAY SHE LOVES MOMO?!" she yelled to herself. Jeongyeon sighed deeply then laid on her bed "why is everyone falling in love but me?" she said and held her forhead "..." silence filled the room.


wont update this unless I'm in the mood for it. I'm not into descendants or miraculours right now but I am however focusing on updating my new ITZTWICEPINKVELVETZONE book called "IN THE APOCALYPSE" . yes. a zombie au book of my 5 ult groups. sorry if you're really looking forward to the future of this book but I'm not in the mood for it.. mianhe hehehhe

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