Chapter 6: Life

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As days went by, The girls have been getting closer and closer.. especially, Dahmo.

They were currently in class, waiting for their third subject to commence. The 8 girls were sitting at the very back, where Chaeyoung and Tzuyu normally sits

"Okay hold up-- What do you mean brocolli are just mini trees, Brocolli can save your life Dahyun Kim. It can help you grow!" Chaeyoung told her friend "Well chocolate can also help you grow! It gives you energy!" Dahyun argued back "Yah yah yah! What's with this nonsense of a conversation?" Mina scolded the two "Blame Tzuyu for bringing it up. Broccoli dipped in chocolate is a bad combination!" Chaeyoung pointed it out "Hey wait! I was just arguing back with Sana! Toothpaste shouldn't be paired with mint choco, it's already minty enough" Tzuyu said "Hey! Momo said it's okay to eat minty ice cream paired with toothpaste" Sana argued "Do you want to die of food poisoning?! That's insane!" Jihyo told them "Have you tried marshmallows dipped in strawberry jam and toothpaste tho?" Jeongyeon added to the topic. Now they all started to argue on which combination is weird but the best

Suddenly, the door opened and revealed their teacher, Pocahontas. "Everyone. Please shut up before I smack your faces with this stick" she said calmly. The students all closed their mouthes

Tzuyu leaned to Chaeyoung "The windows are sealed tight yet her hair still flows. How the fuck is that happening?" She whispered "I don't know bro.. I don't know.." Chaeyoung whispered back. Their class started off as usual, talking about life lessons and such. It was only a couple of minutes left until it was time for lunch

"So for this project, I want you to pair up with someone and talk about life. The most interesting story I shall read shall have the highest grade. Now get out" As if on cue, the bell rang. All the students stood up and started looking for their partners

"Hey! Wanna be partners Jih?" Jeongyeon asked "Hmmm how about ask her--" Jihyo pointed at Nayeon, who was having troubles with her stuff "If you didn't want to, you could've said so." Jeongyeon deadpanned "yeah but it's more fun to see you looking like an idiot everytime you look at Nayeon. Also, I already promised Wendy to be partners for the projects this semesters so.. ggoodluck!" Jihyo pats Jeongyeon's head before going out with Wendy. Jeongyeon sighed and loked at Nayeon again, she rolled her eyes and made her way to the latter "Give it." She said and grabbed the books and bag from the rabbit "Hey I was--" Nayeon's words were cutted off when Jeongyeon neatly organized her books inside her bag "There. Next time, don't put books inside a bag that's not big enough for them" Jeongyeon said and gave the bag back. Nayeon rolled her eyes and took the bag

"What are you still doing here?" Nayeon asked as she stood up "Clearly we're the only ones who don't have partners. So if your small carrot head can't cope with the situation, let me carefully explain and try to get on your level" Jeongyeon said. Nayeon scoffs "yeah yeah I get it. We're partners now, no need to insult me." She said "Oh but I grew up with insults and disses darling~" Jeongyeon said and smirked before heading out. Nayeon followed

"So what should we do with the project?" Nayeon asked "Hmmm.." Jeongyeon thought "Are burps just vomit farts?" She asked "what, Yoo Jeongyeon Ew--" Nayeon slapped her shoulder which gained a laugh "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" Jeongyeon chuckled and started to tjink again "Why is life so cruel?" She asked. Nayeon looked at her and signaled her to continue

Jeongyeon smiled a bit "I haven't really gone around the world or seen the real face of society but looking at my point of view, not every life is all happily ever after. Yet to say, It doesn't exist. Happiness isn't permanent, living happily isnt real, Life has it's struggles. Picture this, life is like... A hamster inside a wheel. You, the hamster, struggles to reach the top but it gets you nowhere. Sometimes you gotta take a rest before facing life once again. From my experience, life ain't easy, everyone knows that but every obstacles has it's reward" Jeongyeon stated. Nayeon looked at her, listening carefully at Jeongyeon's words "So far, all I've learned about life is.. Everyone gets blinded by the fact someone is better than them that it made them forget their humans aswell. It's easier to judge them than to believe, they keep talking without thinking about the persons perspective" Jeongyeon added and looked at Nayeon with a smile "What about you? What did the cruel life taught you so far?" She asked

Nayeon was taken aback with the question "O-Oh... Um.. so far, the lesson lesson I've learned is... If they're not part of your struggle, they're not worth it of your success.." she stated and looked at the opposite direction "That's deep. Any meaning behind it?" Jeongyeon asked "Like you said, Life is like a hamster in a wheel, You struggle to go up and reach your dreams. There are people who supports you, there are some who drags you down. The real ones are those who stuck by you whether you're rich or poor, the ones who only started to contact you are those who wanted to be part of your success. I've been told that.. Once you gain something that someone doesn't have, that someone will either drag you to their level, or use their connections with you to gain part of your success." Nayeon stated. Jeongyeon nodded "Let me guess.. someone did it to you?" She asked. Nayeon could only nod

"It's okay, without the bad ones, life would be boring" Jeongyeon said and chuckled. By the time they arrived at the cafeteria, they found their friends already eating, still arguing as to what Jeongyeon can see

"Welp.. thta was some nice topics we just had Ms. Lim. Should I be the one to type it out or..." Jeongyeon trailed off "No no I'll do it. I'll just put in your name. I'll manage" Nayeon stated. Jeongyeon nodded and was about to go to her friends when Nayeon stopped her "Yes?" Jeongyeon asked "Do you want to um... Be my date to Sana's coronation?" Nayeon shyly asked, keeping her head down

Jeongyeon chuckled and lifts Nayeon's chin up "Of course. Aslong as you don't get awkward with me during the celebration" she laughed. Nayeon giggled "Of course. I better get going now, enjoy your lunch" she said and let's go of Jeongyeon "Aren't ya eating?" Jeongyeon asked "Nope. I still have some paperworks to finish up" Nayeon said "Ah.. well then.. here, I made it this morning but it seems I'll be eating weird shit combined by those idiots today. You can have it, don't miss any meals" Jeongyeon said and handed Nayeon her ham sandwhich and apple juice with a smile. Nayeon took it "Thanks" she kisses Jeongyeon's cheeks before heading to the office with a smile

Jeongyeon chuckled and made her way to the group, she slammed her hands on the table amd had a serious face which made everyone shut up


Toothpaste should be paired with ice cream and strawberry jam." She smirked "Okay listen--" Now they started to bicker once again, creating random combination and being the chaotic group they are

Little did they know, someone was looking at them through her crystal ball

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