Chapter 7: nightfalls

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As the days flew by, Sana's coronation comes to a near. Everyone was excited.

Everyonw but four specific girls

"Do I really have to wear this?" Chaeyoung whined "Yes. Now hold still." Mina saod as she measured Chaeyoung's waist. Chaeyoung groaned and tried looking around Mina's studio to look for something that will entertain her while the woman meassures her body

"Hey, You never told me you make dresses" Chaeyoung said "I don't. Mom just made me do this because apparently that's what 'princesses' do" Mina said and took a step away from Chaeyoung "Not all princesses should wear gowns and crowns ya know. Some princesses are really hot with swords" Chaeyoung smirked. Mina rolled her eyes and looked away to avoid being seen with her blushing face

The door burst open "Pleaseeee don't tell me I have to wear this" Tzuyu said pointed at Chaeyoung's sketch of her in a dress "okay" Mina said and shrugged "Yah! When I meant don't tell me, I meant tell me" Tzuyu said and puts down the sketch "Dude! You tore this off my sketch book are ya serious?!" Chaeyoung asked "Yeah yeah you're welcome" Tzuyu didn't even bother to look at Chaeyoung "Mina pleaseeeeee don't make me wear a long ass gown pleaseeee" Tzuyu practically begged "Can't do much Tzu. The queen said all hirls must wear gowns so.." Mina trailed off amd continued doing her thing "Queen?... Hmmmm... Aha!" Tzuyu immediately ran out without a word "She's gonna bug Sana, won't she?" Mina asked "Yep." Chseyoung answered shortly

A running purple headed potato-- oh wait that's me. A running purple headed goddesses (much better) slipped through people and tried to find the one she's looking for, she spots the latter not far from where she's standing, sitting under the shade while wearing headphones "Sanaaa!" She yelled out but  Sana didn't notice her. Tzuyu ran closer and closer, calling out to Sana's name "Sanaaaa!" She called out again, she ran so fast, she almost collided with Sana but thankfullly she stopped. She did hit the tree tho "Tzuyu! Are ya okay?" Sana asked "Hey! I need you to tell your mom to not make us wear gowns on friday" Tzuyu said "What?" Sana asked "I don't like gowns. Periodt. Please don't make me wear them.. i begged of you" Tzuyu said and held Sana's hand tight. Sana chuckled "Alright alright. I'll tell my mom to consider it" she said "Great! I'll see ya tonight!" Tzuyu kisses her forhead then ran away once again

Sana sat there, blushing. She reached for her forhead and smiled "That stupid yoda" she said to herself and continued reading.

The day of the coronation has arrived, everyone was gathered at the castle, everyone was wearing gowns and tuxedos. Everyone except for these dorks

"Oh thank god. I thought I'd suffocate wearing those" Dahyun said and fixed her jacket "You guys... Would.. hmmm how do I say this... Outstand?" Jihyo asked "Yeah yeah. We look awesome. Thanks Jihyo" Jeongyeon sarcastically said and rolled her eyes "You're welcome idiot" Jihyo said with a smirk "Why you little--" they started to bicker

Tzuyu shook her head and looked out the window, she saw the island, surrounded by a dark cloud and fog. Suddenly, her eyes glowed green which caused her to flinch and look away "You okay Tzu?" Chaeyoung asked "Yeah. Just got a small headache" Tzuy said "Oh.. do you want to rest or something?" Momo asked "no no. I'm fine. I wouldn't want to ruin the clothes and miss Sana's special day" Tzuyu said and smiled "Tsk tsk. You're in love kid" Mina said with her arms crossed "Tssss Tzuyu Chou doesn't fall in love" Tzuyu said but the others just looked at her with a 'who the fuck are you joking?' look

"Okay fine but I'm confused okay? I've never felt like this before" Tzuyu said "First time falling in love? Yeesh, I'm glad it's Sana or else you'd feel much worst" Jihyo said

The ceremony was about to start but still no sign of Sana, everyone started to worry "Where's Sana?" King Eugene asked his gaurds "We've looked every where sir, even her dressing room" the gaurds said. Tzuyu started getting worried, just then a black smoke appeared at the center and showed Maleficent, time suddenly stopped

"Missed me my lovely daughter?" She asked. Tzuyu clenched her fist "Where's Sana?!" She yelled out "Swimming with the sharks if you keep talking to me that way Tzuyu." Maleficent said and made her way to the altar "My my what an extravigant celebration. It's so disgusting. Not even am ivitation for your mommy?" She asked

Tzuyu scoffed "Bring Sana back!" She said "months Tzuyu. I gave you months to do and be usefull for once but instead you blew it! now I'm giving you one last chance. Bring me the wand then you can have the girl. You have 24 hours" with that, Maleficent left without a trace. Tzuu stood there, not knowing what to do "Tzuyu. Tzuyu! Hey! Snap out of it man!" Chaeyoung said. Tzuyu looked at her friends, confusion, amger amd worries, evident in her eyez. The threeknew exactly what Tzuyu saw

"Your majesty! I know where Sana is" Tzuyu said. Their attentions were now at Tzuyu "Where is she?" Rapunzel asked. Tzuyu sighed deeply "She's been kidnapped... By my mother. She's in the isle" Tzuyu stated. The king and queen now knew what Tzuyu meant and nodded "Stefan! Open the gates and bring these girls to the Isle! The coronation can wait" The King instructed as the gaurd bowed amd went off to his order

The coronation was delayed. The four girls gathered at the front "Wait! We're coming with" nayeon said "What? No it's too dangerous!" Jeongyeon said "Hey! We managed to change four villain kids. We can do it" Jihyo said "But I don't think you girls can handle the isle" Chaeyoung added "Says the one who's afraid of a poodle." mina said "Fine whatever. Hop in and we'll start the Villain 101" Tzuyu said amd they all went in. The driver drove to the Island, noone knew they were coming so they need to keep quiet so their ciber wont be blown

Onec they have arrived, they all met up at the four girl's hide out. "So? Where should we look first?" Momo asked. "Woah.. the isle up close is much more... Eerie..." Jihyo said amd looked around "Hey is this Mina?" Momo asked, Chaeyoung ran to her and closed the curtain "Don't touch!" She said. Momo just gave her a teasing smile before heading to Dahyun

"The place my mom would most likely keep her is the dungeon..." Tzuyu said "Where is that?" Mina asked. Tzuyu paused for a bit before speaking again "the bottom of the island.." she said "What?! How are we gonna rescue her if we can't even breathe underwater?" Nayeon asked this time. They went silent for awhile until Jeongyeon spoke "We could always ask... Ya know" she trailed off. Tzuyu sighed and nodded "alright. But first, you girls need to change those clothes. You guys look ridiculous" she said and pointed at the four girls who's wearing big and sparkly gowns "We have some extra leather jackets and boots out in the back. Let's see if it can fit them" Chaeyoung said and left

Tzuyu looked out the window as the three teached them the ways of a villain. She looked at Tdoong Island and sighed "I'll find you Sana... I promise..." She muttered to herself

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