Chapter-18: Reunion for....

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Logan's POV

"Don't worry, others are comming too." I told Phoebe and Thalia.

Who both just nodded.

"I hope nothing happens to Lieutenant." I murmured.

"Ghost will be fine." Thalia said,"He must be. " she completed.

"Logan are you there?" I swear I was never so happy to hear that voice before today it was my elder brother.

"Dave! I am inside this shelter!" I said.

"Can you walk

little slowler, boy." I heard a female voice.

Dave entered with Atlanta.

"Thalia? Ghost....?" Dave was saying but I cut him off.

"We'll talk later, Ghost needs help."  I said and then heard some groaning.

And luckily Ghost woke up.

"Logan? Hesh?" He said.

"Ghost!" I said and hugged him.I don't care what all others think he has been like a second father to me.

"Whoa, I am glad to see you too."he said.

"Hey Logan, you said he needed help but he looks fine." Hesh commented.

"But Thalia said you got Hypothermia."

"Yeah I got, but She treated me. " He said

"Huh,knew that you'll need her help, cause,you boys always mess up everything. " Atlanta said and Ghost hand went to his knife but managed to get his wrist or we should've been in hunter's funeral already.

"Atlanta, he saved me from getting rapped and that blast,got me food and stopped the blizzard by fighting and killing Chione."

[Chione is Roman aspact Khione I mistook it Last time]

"Who's her Chione actually?" Hesh and I asked together

"Goddess of Winter, Her Greek Counterpart is Khione."

"Holy Jesus! Ghost you  killed a real Goddess!" I exclaimed.

"Don't swear on God that even don't exist. " Phoebe said

"Hey, if I sweared on Olympians or any other diety they'll for sure kick my ass." I replied.

"Anyways,can you please get us out of this Cold hell?" Ghost said.

"Oh Yeah lemme inform Commander. " I said.


We left the place and started to move out.

Ghost took of his jacket and wrapped it around Thalia.

Is it really true they're not together?

When we reached our area Ghost was met by a lot of handshakes and Thalia was met with hugs.

"Ghost, I missed you so much ." Said Commander and shook his hand.

"Thanks alot Commander, sorry if you were worried about me." He said.

"Thalia, I am happy I didn't have to loose another lieutenant." Said Lady Artemis.
[F in the reviews for Zoë.]

"You are not going get rid of me so soon, my lady." Thalia replied.

"So ladies and gentlemen! " Commander yelled.

"Now because we have our lieutenants back, we're going to have party and vacation!"he said

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