7. The park

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Note: so that was a short idea of how the five of them came as a group. Now the story starts. I hope you enjoy it.


She couldn't sleep, of course she couldn't, the raindrops hit her window everywhere and slipped down. Just enough to keep her jolting awake every now and again. Don't even get her started on thunder. Not the one that is in the distance but the one that lights up through the windows only gives a few seconds of peace before shaking the shelves of her walls.

She gave up about 1 am, slipped a sweatshirt over her head and walked down to the kitchen. It was fall break so she didn't have to worry about school the next day. She sat on the cold counter waiting for her tea that spun in a small impatient circle around the microwave.

Her thoughts took over and swirled around her eyes, she always came back to the memory of ivy at the park. Her closed eyes as she held Ivy in her arms. During that moment she didn't know why Ivy was distraught but she didn't ask until she told her. Which she did.

She faintly heard the constant beep of the microwave and she hurled off the counted and grabbed her mug. Being a little too loud for 1 am she noticed. Well no there was no point in trying to fall asleep now after discomforting thoughts and a cup of caffeinated tea what did she expect. She so sat there staring at the glosseded pink clouds as the rose. Had she really stayed staring out the window until sunrise?  She did.



The rocks pierced her feet but she couldn't feel it anymore. In fact she couldn't feel anything. The grass was cold as she hugged her knees to her chin, the tears poured out. She had nothing but this was it the joy of life and family that people spent their lifetimes searching for, stolen away from her once again.

She found herself at the park. It was windy but surprisingly not that cold. She didn't expect to find anyone there considering the time. Now she had nowhere to go. SHe couldn't go back to the house, not with that evil woman. Never, but now what.

Her now bleeding feet took her to the bench. Her red eyes not clearly seeing well spotted a blacked out figure sitting there. Well everyone got that stranger danger talk of course. This outline looked familiar though.

"Ivy? What-" It was Eve.

She flung her arms, sounding her neck feeling the bottled up pressure in her head. The salty tears fell once again. She couldn't breathe.

This was what she needed. Someone with her cause god knows what she would do if she was alone. Eve was hesitant about the shocking hug that surrounded her. She was Ivy's comfort and no matter how fast it happened with no detail Eve would be there.

It came out in fragments. "Overslept in a field" "barefoot" "Myra, Stepmother " ''piercing hot slap" but it all came together once Ivy finally calmed down. Eve offered for her to stay at her house but Ivy insisted on Owens deteriming her would understand better. They sat there talking for a bit. Eve questioned her bleeding feet and white pale lips but Ivy brushed it off.

Ivy was used to the physical pain considering it happened often due to her clumsiness or unfortunate nights like this one. The moment they left and went separate ways when the cold feeling reached Ivy again, Cold. Until she reached Owens doorstep. Then the warmth came back.

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