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"Trip!" Her name is shouted rather loudly and she looks over, already knowing who it was. Pidge was excitedly waving her over towards a store, "come over here a second!"

With nothing better to do and no luck on the lenses, she crossed the floor with Keith on her trail like he had remained the entire time they'd been here. The store was called "Earth Trends" and it didn't look like it had anything useful in it. Still, Pidge was standing in the entrance with a grin while Lance was browsing the inside.

"Yeah?" Trip says as she gets closer, "did you find the lenses?"

"Even better!" She says happily and motions to the small shop behind her like she'd struck gold, "the earth store!"

Lance suddenly appears behind her, looking just as happy to have gotten her attention as the younger one. But Trip wasn't exactly catching on. Earth is where they were from. Why were they so impressed with it? It wasn't anything they hadn't seen before.

Noticing her confused gaze, Pidge motions for her to follow them inside, "it's where you're from!" she reminds her, "you can see what it's like, now!"

Caught off guard, she doesn't pull away when Lance fearlessly reaches for her hand to tug her inside. The pain it causes forces her to follow his movements, otherwise, she wouldn't be walking in at all. He was dragging her towards one wall where Pidge was already standing and holding up a small rectangle.

She didn't notice the way Keith looked down at the way Lance held her hand like it was glass. Or the grinding of his teeth when he held on a little longer than necessary when they reached a stop.

"These are movies!" Pidge says and then taps the one in her hands, "and this is Ghostbusters!"

The front of the "movie" was silly looking. Men were wearing matching tan uniforms, looking shocked up at nothing and pointing tubes up at whatever they saw. Confused, she reaches for it. How was this a story? It didn't open like a book, it didn't have very many words on it. Pidge was already grabbing more from the shelves and showing them to her.

"This is The Breakfast Club! And Ferris Bueller! Oh look, they have the Harry Potter movies!" Trip looked up, following her pointing hand but not really looking at what had her so excited. Her eyes started to wander around the store.

Her mother had told her stories about their home to make her go to sleep. Whitehaven Beach, Redwood Forest, the Cliffs of Moher. But, like Voltron, she'd always just seen them as stories. With no other proof that this place existed other than a dead woman's words, she figured it was another tale to make children fall asleep. But she stood in a store full of remnants from this place she was supposed to be born on.

Odd clothes had racks, what looked like smaller versions of movies were in boxes, snack foods were inside display cases.

"OH MY QUIZNACK!" Pidge practically screeches, dropping the movies she was holding in favor of running for something towards the front of the store. Trip watched in curiosity as she grabbed a thick movie from the window, "Is that Killbot Phantasm?!"

Already losing interest, Trip turns back to look at the wall of movies before walking herself over towards the smallest rack in the room. It was covered in pictures of places that looked beautiful. Forests, lakes, cities, even small towns that looked full of happy life.

While spinning it around to look at all of the pictures, she hears her loyal guard dog approaching from behind. She pulls out a picture, eyes wide as she stared down at it. Curious, she turns around to find Keith exactly where she knew he would be. On her ass.

"What's this?" She asks, holding up the picture like a toddler.

Sometimes he forgot about how clueless she could be on some things. The simplest of things that he knew everything about. Like that she holding up a picture of a beach, or that movies were usually boring. Still, he didn't hate seeing the genuine interest on her face when she noticed something new in the store.

Catch the Stars ||Keith Kogane||Where stories live. Discover now