Twenty One

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"I figured it out!" Donnie shrieked. Raphael who was on the couch jumped a mile.

"You figured out what's wrong?!" Leo smiled as he helped Raph stand up. The hothead had gotten worse over the week. Throwing up was a daily thing for him, coughing up blood was another. The three brothers made their way into the lab and stood behind Donnie. Mikey held his strongest brother up as Leo grabbed a chair. Raphael sat down and took a deep breath.

"Basically, it's a neurotransmitter. Something sending frequencies to Raph's brain making him think the way the Kraang want him to think." Donnie explained.

"What can we do?" Leo asked.

"I can perform a surgery.......but other than that.......I don't know."

"What's the risk?" Raph asked.

" could die." Donnie responded.

"I trust you."

"I don't trust myself." Donnie sighed.

"Don, if you don't, Raph will die." Leo growled.

"Leo!" Mikey yelped.


"Really!? Could you put more pressure on him!?" Raph barked.

"Save your strength." Mikey whispered.

"No, you know what!? He's not comfortable, fine! Let me die!" Raph snapped.

"Don't talk like that." Donnie whispered.

"I don't want you doing anything that your not comfortable doing. I won't put anymore stress on you guys." Raph grumbled.

"But if I don't perform the surgery, and I don't find another die."

"Can we see where it is?" Leo asked.

"It's not actually in his brain, it's on the stem. But that's dangerous because if I cut could be fatal."

"Okay......what now?"

"Raph? This is all up to you." Donnie sighed.

"I'm game with whatever."

"Donnie?" Mikey whispered.

"I.........I....." He stopped, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I can do it. But I need to be alone and I need it silent." Donnie said. Leo and Mikey nodded their heads, leaving the middle children alone.

"You sure about this?" Donnie asked as he helped Raphael over to the examination table.

"I trust you." Raph smiled. He laid down on the table while Donnie got his anesthesia ready. He walked over to his brother and placed the mask up to his face.

"Just count down from ten. You'll be out before you know it." Donnie smiled.

In his mind, the hothead counted down. His eyes fluttered before closing, for good.


Pacing back and forth outside the lab, Leonardo's heart was pounding.

"Leo, Don knows what he's doing."

"I'm not saying he doesn't. But what........what if Raph doesn't.....gah! Never mind." Leo grunted.

"Leo.......were you gonna say that if Raph doesn't make it?" Mikey asked.

"What? No."

"Yes you were. You don't think he's gonna make it out alive do you!?" Mikey snapped as he arose from the couch.

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