Chapter One: Doors

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He can be happy again. That's what he told himself after every morning of inevitable disappointment. Every morning was like this, he shouldn't be surprised anymore. Izuku Midoriya was once again left minuscule against a queen-sized bed, the left side of the bed neatly tucked, as if no one had ever been there before.

He had been with Shoto Todoroki, one of the most powerful people in the world, for a little over three years now. It hadn't always been like this; Izuku remembered the times the half and half boy had been in his bed like a distant dream. Everyday that memory faded a little bit more into a dream rather than reality.

Izuku shifted in his bed, latching himself onto Shoto's pillow. He was lucky, he thought as he breathed in Shoto's sweet scent, the only thing he left behind for Izuku. Daylight filtered in through the blue curtains on the window and shined in his eyes. Against his desire to lay in the soft covers hugging Shoto's pillow, Izuku rolled over to his nightstand and checked his phone. 7:43 AM. He inwardly sighed, he was thirteen minutes late for breakfast. Hopefully Shoto would be in a forgiving mood.

He pulled the covers off and drew in a sharp breath at the freezing air hitting his bare chest. Why did Shoto want the house so cold all the time? Izuku shuffled to his closet and walked inside. Shelves were neatly organized by color, he picked out a plain white t-shirt and his eyes grazed over his dark green hoodie. He grabbed it carefully and held it tightly to his chest.

He haphazardly chose the rest of his outfit and cleaned himself up. If he was going to be late, there was no need to rush.

He put on the hoodie- it was the same shade of green as his hair- ,Shoto bought it for him because he said it reminded him of the small boy.

That was back then, back before he knew... everything. What Izuku would give to be back in those times, when a simple boy could work at a coffee shop and fall in love with his regular. How cliqué.

He checked his phone again. 8:11 AM. Shoto should be done with breakfast by now, there would be no point in going down to eat now. Izuku sat on the edge of his bed and absentmindedly checked his phone. It wasn't like he had anyone to text so he opened a game to delay the inevitable. He used to have so many notifications to deal with. There were so many things he didn't know he could miss.

It wasn't like he was saying his current life was so bad. He lived in a mansion with expensive things and expensive clothes. He had the best care. It was the company he had a problem with. He was more or less acquainted with the servants and guards, though he was given the impression they weren't permitted to speak to him.

Shoto Todoroki was the man to give him all these things. Izuku was grateful by all means but he'd never admit it wasn't enough. Izuku knew exactly what Shoto did to provide him with such a life. He tried his best not to think about it. Not many of Shoto's... business partners knew about Izuku and it was for the best it stayed that way. What Shoto did was dangerous and it scared Izuku half to death but Shoto knew what he was doing. Shoto was a smart man. Shoto was a cold man. That was what made him such a feared competitor, anyone that ran against him wouldn't be running for long. But Izuku knew there was a sweet boy behind that frosty exterior, he had seen it himself.

He nearly jumped out of his hoodie when someone lightly knocked on the door. "Midoriya..?" A soft voice called out into the room as the door inched open. A round face poked her way in.

Izuku smiled. "Good morning, Uraraka." He gave her a wave as she entered.

She cautiously stepped in. "Is everything alright, Sir?"

Izuku stifled a laugh and snorted. "Sir? Y'know you can call me Izuku." He always tried to befriend the staff, in a way it was like he was standing up against Shoto. Almost like a game.

Uraraka hummed. "Mr. Todoroki doesn't want any of us to get too close, Sir, you know that," she softly scolded. Izuku's shoulders slumped at the mention of his... boyfriend's name? Was boyfriend the right word here? They used to flaunt the title wherever they went but now it was some taboo topic. Izuku doesn't get introduced to new people often and there was definitely no asking Shoto himself. Uraraka snapped him out of his thoughts. "...speaking of Mr. Todoroki, he would like to know the reason you never showed up for breakfast?" She was smiling nervously, she was only the messenger.

Izuku shrugged, he was exhausted. "I slept in?" The way he phrased it was more like a question than a response. He held his head in his hands with his elbows resting on his knees. Now he needed to think up a worthy excuse. He hadn't disobeyed Shoto in a long time, the last punishment hadn't been very pleasant.

He felt the bed sink down with the weight of Uraraka sitting next to him. She put one hand on his shoulder in comfort. She slowly rubbed her thumb in circles. "Whatever it is, you can tell me." At this moment, Izuku felt like he would crumble if she wasn't holding him together at his shoulder. He was always at the edge of falling apart at the seams and it never got easier.

"I want to go." He sucked in a breath, after all these years he learned he had no tears left to shed. It was true he wanted to leave. He wanted to escape this life desperately. But it never worked, he'd never get far without Shoto, he couldn't even scrounge up the courage to talk to Shoto. Not that he didn't speak to Shoto at all, that wouldn't end well for Izuku. No, he just couldn't talk about those sensitive topics.

Uraraka pulled Izuku into a hug, holding him together. She released him with a sympathetic look and stood up. "I'll tell Mr. Todoroki you weren't feeling well." She turned to head out the door before saying, "You need to see him at some point today." She closed the door behind her, leaving Izuku in his tall lonely room.


It was currently 9:27 PM and Izuku was losing his sanity. He chose to continue running from the inevitable, he never imagined he'd get this far. With every passing minute, he could feel his heart drumming faster. Shoto was going to come for him. He was going to come for him at any point now and when he did, Izuku would have hell to pay. Izuku had never done this before, he always obeyed Shoto, sure he's been sassy or teased him before. But this was different. He was hiding from a monster in a horror movie. The hiding spots were terrible but the terror was real.

What concerned him was when nobody came to check on him. After Uraraka left, no one came back. Hunger panged in the back of his stomach but fear was overriding that. His door wasn't locked, anyone could've waltzed right in.

He yelped as he caught the door handle moving in the side of his eye. Izuku grabbed his phone and ducked into the bathroom connected to his room. Izuku doesn't lock doors. If Shoto wanted in, he'd get in. There is no stopping Shoto. He could hear his bedroom door creak open, shoes clacked against the hardwood floor. His voice was empty and robotic. "Izuku?" Izuku held himself as his panic increased tenfold. Shoto always called him 'Izu', he rarely called him by his actual name. Shoto was upset. He had been anticipating this the whole day. God, did he wish this moment would end.

Maybe everything would be okay? Like a child waiting to get a flu shot. Maybe the anticipation was worse than the reality.

Minutes had gone by and Izuku still hadn't answered. He was falling in this hole and he couldn't stop digging down. Shoto sent shivers down his spine. "Izuku." His voice sounded on the other side of the thin barrier.

Izuku put his back to the door and slid down to the floor. He let out a dry sob, the quietest he could. "Izuku. Open the door." Izuku's breath hitched as he tried to gauge how much danger he was in. Shoto was irritated now. It was like ripping off a band-aid, Izuku just had to open the door.

Earthquakes racked his legs as he got up to his feet and with a trembling hand, he slowly rotated the door knob. The kind of Todoroki he'd find when he opened the door was unknown to him but sure enough he was going to find out.

Feedback is greatly appreciated! I really love mafia AUs so I thought I'd make one. Sorry if the story sucks, I'm still gonna try though.

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