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We drove all day, stopping a few times to get food and look at the sights. A mini road trip together was honestly the best reset for me. I was actually able to forget about all the shit I'm dealing with for just a little bit.
He pulls the car up to a large gate, rolling down his window to punch in a code. Okay so he lives in a fancy house.. he drives the car further down the driveway and the house comes into my view. My mouth drops slightly. I was expecting a nice place... not a fucking mansion.
"Tom." I say.
"Why am I just now finding out that you're disgustingly rich?" I question and he laughs.
"Not me, my parents." He corrects.
"Well still. I wasn't expecting this." I shake my head.
He parks the car on one side of the house, and looks over to me.
"Welcome home." He says.
We get out of the car, and I grab my bag, following him in through the door. My jaw practically drops when I look around. The spacious entryway has large windows lining the walls, and marble floors that are squeaky clean. Even just this part of the home is gorgeous, but not nearly as gorgeous as the living area we enter. All the furniture and decor is white and grey, very modern and classy. The high ceilings make for a roomy feel, that and the insane square footage. This place is huge.
"So? What do you think?" He asks me.
"I can't believe you've been hiding this from me all this time." I say in disbelief.
"I'll show you your room, I told Haz to get it ready." He smiles, grabbing my hand and leading me down a long hallway lined with doors. Photos of Tom and his family line the walls, making me smile.
He opens the door to a room, and we walk inside. It's so beautiful, white carpeting and a giant fluffy bed. A flatscreen hangs from the wall and all the furniture looks extremely expensive.
"I would take you shopping for everything you'll need but you can't be seen so there's a MacBook in the drawer that you can use to online shop." He says.
"Tom that's really sweet, but I really don't need you to buy me anything." I shake my head.
"Believe me.. money isn't even remotely a concern." He states. "It's charity work."
My mouth drops and he gets a stupid cocky grin on his face.
"That was taking it too far." I scold.
"You know I'm joking." He laughs.
We walk back out to the living area, and I look over to the very large double doors, that obviously lead somewhere else in this mansion.
"Where does that go?" I ask.
"Chloe, I need you to swear to me that you will never go through those doors, okay?" He says and I feel my heart rate quicken slightly.
"What? Why?" I ask.
"It's where our.. employees work. They can be a little, well.. I just don't want you going over there. Okay?"
I really don't like the sound of what he's saying, it's obvious he's hiding something from me. What could it possibly be though? It's not like Tom is crazy enough to be hiding dead bodies or something.
"Okay." I nod.
The big doors that I was just told to stay away from open, and Haz walks through them. I scoff, looking up to Tom.
"Really? He gets to know the secrets behind the door and I don't?!"
"There's no secrets behind the door! It's literally just employees!" Tom laughs.
"Haz, he's lying to me isn't he?" I question the blue eyed boy and he shakes his head far too quickly for it to actually be believable.
"No, he's telling the truth." He says.
"You both are liars." I mutter. "It's okay though, I'd rather be in the dark than have my assumptions be true."
Haz plops down onto the sofa next to me with an amused look on his face.
"And what are those assumptions?" He asks.
"Well.. a big house, half of it being off limits to me but not you.. lots of money.. it all adds up to one thing." I say.
"And that is?" Tom questions.
"Porn." I state.
The guys look to each other, and break out into uncontrollable fits of laughter. Tom clutches his stomach in pain from laughing so hard. I still think it's true though. They definitely film porn over there.
"Chloe you have never been so wrong." Tom shakes his head.
"Oh come on! You're both attractive, you could be porn stars." I say.
"You can shoot a porno with me anytime." Haz says, and I roll my eyes.
"Shut the fuck up." Tom slaps Haz's arm.
Haz gets quite flirty with me, like extremely. It's just who he is as a person, and Tom really doesn't like it because he doesn't like how boys treat me. It makes sense, he's very protective of me.
"Sorry Haz I'm not into blondes. They're dumb." I joke.
"You were blonde just yesterday so what does that make you?" He teases back.
"Alright first of all fuck you-"
"Oh here we go." Tom sighs.
"Cmon pretty girl, you like it when I tease you." Haz says with a cocky smirk.
I took a shower, and change into the amazingly comfy pajamas that seem to be way overpriced. I've known Tom for three years now and I would have never guessed he had this kind of money. He's just so natural and laid back. I could guarantee if people knew he had this much money he'd be way more popular than he is. He's in the quiet group with me. We tend to be looked over easily.
I come to the realization that I can't go back to school tomorrow.. I can't be seen. I only have three weeks left of high school and I'm a drop out. This was not my plan. I wanted to graduate, get a good job, and never see my dad again. Now that seems close to impossible.
"Everything okay?"
I look up, seeing Tom standing in the doorway of my room with two cups of tea in his hands.
"Yeah." I give him a small smile.
He walks in, handing me one of the cups and sits next to me.
"I know this is a big change.. I tried to make it as comfortable as possible." He says.
"Tom this is quite literally the sweetest thing anyone has done for me. You're giving me somewhere safe to be and that's more than I could ever ask for. I appreciate you more than anything." I say and he smiles.
"Look at you, getting all mushy." He teases and I giggle.
"We get mushy don't act like we don't."
"Yeah well that stays between us." He says.
"Deal." I nod.

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