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I sit in Toms office as he finishes up some work, he wants us to do some shooting again tonight, just so he feels better knowing that I can handle a gun. I don't really like the thought of Tom teaching me how to shoot to kill, but I know it's what I need to do if I'm going to be in his life. I need to be able to protect myself if I ever get in a situation where Tom can't.
There's a knock on the door, and I can see Tom immediately gets irritated. He doesn't seem to like most of the guys that work for him. Only Haz, Rubin, and maybe Ben.
"Come in." He says.
"Hey boss." The familiar annoying voice rings. "Hey feisty."
Oh he thinks he's so funny, how sad.
"What do you need, Kyan?" Tom asks.
"That Aaron kid, whats his problem?" He asks. "He is quiet and doesn't seem very useful."
"He's just a kid, leave him alone." I say.
Tom gives me a small smile, enjoying that I stood up to him.
"Why is a kid here if he's not working?"
I roll my eyes, believe me I don't necessarily like the guy that shot my boyfriend either, but Jesus Christ why does he care so much.
"He was being manipulated and used by some bad guys. He's gone through a lot. Maybe you should try being kind to him." I say.
Kyan looks to Tom, as if I wasn't even talking. Ugh the disrespect this guy has. I bet he thinks men are better than women.
"What she said." Tom states, and I smile.
"My god.." Kyan mutters under his breath.
"Is there an issue?" Tom asks.
"It's just- since when do you let a woman speak for you?"
Oh my fucking god.
"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." I laugh, standing from my seat. "Are you seriously so misogynistic that a woman taking control over a man is threatening to you and your imaginary masculinity?"
Kyan stands there speechless, and Tom looks really impressed with me. I tilt my head to the side, waiting for Kyans counter argument, but just as I suspected, he doesn't have one. Because he is in fact misogynistic.
"And to add to that." Tom starts, walking over to my side. "If you ever disrespect my girl like that again I'll gut you slowly and painfully. Dismissed."
Kyan leaves the room without another word, and Tom shuts the door, grabbing me by my hand and pulling me in close.
"That was so hot." He mutters, kissing my jawline.
"Hmm maybe I should tell off your guys more often." I grin.
"Please do, I like seeing you take control." He hums against my skin.
"Alright you dirty boy." I say, nudging him off of me which makes him frown. "Let's go shoot the dumb ass guns."
He excitedly pulls me out of his office and down to the range. It's cute how excited he gets when I show an interest in his life. As we're about to walk through the door, we hear Toms name being called and Nikki walks towards us. Fuck, I'm not suppose to be in this part of the house, she has no clue that I know about the mob. This could very well ruin everything..
"Mum I- I know she's not suppose to know.." Tom says. "Please don't tell dad, I just couldn't lie anymore-"
"Tom." She says, giving her son a comforting smile. "It's okay."
His brows knit together in confusion, how could she be so accepting of this?
"It is?" He questions.
"I always knew you'd turn out exactly like your father." She laughs cheerfully. "He use to sneak me in too. It's only human. Besides, the boys told me you had a pretty lady around and I knew exactly who they were talking about."
I feel a rush of relief, knowing I don't have to be scared of his mum hating me for knowing. This is a huge weight lifted off of my chest. And I'm sure Tom feels the exact same way.
"They told on me? Who do I have to fire?" Tom says, and though it sounds like a joke I know he's being totally serious.
"I can't disclose my sources, I need eyes on the inside." Nikki teases which makes me laugh.
"Thank you, for letting me be here." I say.
"Sweetheart I'm just glad he found someone as sweet and precious as you."
"Sweet and precious?" Tom laughs. "You should have heard her tell off Kyan."
I feel a blush rise on my cheeks in embarrassment, and Tom puts his arm over my shoulders.
"I've got myself a pretty badass girlfriend." He grins.
"Seems you do." She smiles. "Well, I just wanted to give you the details on the Gala, and yes. You have to go."
She hands him a couple files, and he groans, stuffing them under his arm.
"Absolutely not." Tom shakes his head and I hit his arm.
"Are you kidding? I'd die to go to something like that." I say.
"Well you can." Nikki says. "Just say you're Toms date, keep the other details to yourself and it will be fine. Just let me know and I'll add you to the list. I've got to go, but I'll hopefully see you two at the event!"
Tom and I sit outside to eat dinner since it's a warm evening. The sunset is beautiful here, especially as it goes down past the trees. This is peaceful, and for once, I feel like my new life could be something bright.
Tom walks over to me, handing me a glass of some fancy wine, and sits down at my side. He kisses my cheek lovingly, and it still somehow makes me get butterflies in my stomach.
"You look beautiful tonight." He whispers in my ear, then presses a kiss to my temple. He really is just the perfect man. He is loving, and attentive, and kind. How did I not realize this three years ago?
"Tommy, can we please go to the Gala." I ask.
"It's just a bunch of snobby rich people and mafia members. We only go to keep our cover and keep people from getting suspicious."
I frown, pushing out my bottom lip into a pout he smirks, running his thumb over it.
"Hmm maybe I need to put those lips to work." He grins.
"Tom I'm being serious." I say. "It sounds like so much fun."
He sighs, looking away before looking back at me.
"You really want to go?" He asks.
"I really really really want to go." I nod.
"Alright then, we can go." He says and I squeal, wrapping my arms around him tightly.
"Yay!" I smile.
"It'll be fun for me too, I'll get to see you in a pretty little dress." He says.
"And you'll get to take it off of me at the end of the night." I say seductively, and he kisses my lips slowly and deeply. I climb onto his lap, and my fingers interlock behind his neck.
Let's just say, Toms tongue is very skilled.
We pull apart, and I rest my forehead against his.
"I love you pretty girl." He mumbles.
"I love you too." I say, and peck his lips one more time.
I hear a sound that I can't quite make out coming from the trail, it sounds like.. crying?
I get off of Toms lap, and he gives me a funny look.
"What is it?" He asks.
I see Aaron walking over to a stump, and sitting down on the trail, he's the one crying. It's faint, but I can definitely tell that's what's happening.
"I'm gonna go talk to him." I say.
"You're a sweetheart." He says, kissing my head. "I'll wait for you inside."
I walk down the walkway that goes through the middle of the garden, and to the front of the trail. Aaron sniffles, and gets slightly startled when I accidentally sneak up on him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I say.
"Oh, it's okay." He shakes his head, quick to wipe away the tears that are fallen down his cheeks.
"Is everything okay?" I ask, taking a seat next to him. It's obvious he just really needs a friend right now. If I didn't have Tom and Haz when I came here, I don't know how I would have coped.
"I'm fine.. it's just- it sounds stupid but I miss my mum." He says.
Poor kid.
"That's not stupid at all." I shake my head. "I miss my mum too."
"You can't leave either?" He asks, slightly surprised.
"Nope. I'm in the same boat as you. Some crazy people want to hurt me, so I'm stuck here." I explain.
He nods, looking off into the distance.
"Tom has two younger brothers, they're your age. We're all going to an outdoor range tomorrow, would you like to come?" I ask.
"You don't have to do that." He says.
"Are you kidding? Harry and Sam are glued at the hip, they desperately need a friend. If anything you'd be doing me a favor." I encourage.
"Well.. okay." He nods. "I'll go."
"Great." I smile.

A/N: I am once again asking you guys to comment or message your Snapchat names so we can be friends💙
I've literally made so many friends doing this, it's fun, participate!!!

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