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It's been a while.. Tom still hasn't answered me. I'm starting to get worried, Tom always texts me back. Always. I can't help but let my mind wander to the thoughts of something being wrong. I liked it much better when I didn't know about all of this.
My phone starts to ring as I walk through the garden. I quickly grab it, hoping and praying that it's Tom calling to tell me he's okay. I put the phone to my ear and answer.
"Hello Chloe."
I don't recognize this voice.. this isn't Tom. In fact I have no clue who this is, and that's really weird considering this is a new phone and a new number.
"Who is this?" I ask.
"A friend of your dads, don't worry, he doesn't know I'm reaching out to you." The man says.
"Why are you calling me?" I ask nervously, quickly walking towards the house so I can get someone to listen in on the call and hopefully track it.
"Because when you left, you took something of mine. Your deadbeat dad failed to retrieve it since you went off the grid." He explains.
"And what's that?" I question.
I make my way inside, jogging down the hallway to Rubins office. I wave my hand at him to get his attention, then put my finger over my lips to signal him to be silent. I put the phone on speaker and sit down.
"No need for you to worry about that., just bring me his car and I'll be on my way." He says.
"I ditched the car a long time ago." I state. "I don't have it anymore, and it's more than likely impounded."
The man groans, and Rubin listens intently, trying to understand what's going on.
"You stupid, stupid girl." He laughs.
Rubin takes the phone from my hand, and puts it on the desk in front of him.
"Hey there, it's Terry right?" Rubin says. "Look, you really have no idea what you are getting yourself into. If you don't leave Chloe alone, I will gut you myself. Understood? Great. Now fuck off."
He hangs up the phone, and throws it to the floor, smashing it with his foot. I jump up, a gasp leaving my mouth.
"What are you doing?!" I exclaim.
"Making him angry, then destroying his one connection to you. He's going to try to find another way to contact you. We're gonna get you another phone, set it up in your name, and connect it to my system so I can track him." He explains.
"That is so smart I hate it." I say and he laughs.
"That's why I'm the highest paid in the house. I'm good at what I do." He grins.
•Tom's Pov•
I get off the jet, and into my ride home. My phone has been dead half the day which has been terrible, I hate not having contact to everyone. Finally I plug my phone into the car charger, and anxiously wait for it to turn on. After a few minuets, the screen lights up and I see tons of notifications appear. Chloe called me sixteen time? Oh no.. she's probably so worried. I click her contact, putting the phone to my ear.
"We're sorry, you can not reach this caller at this time-"
I hang up, trying her number again but it plays the same recording.. something is wrong. Really wrong.
"Step on it. I need to get home." I tell my driver.
If something happened to Chloe while I was gone, I'll never forgive myself. I knew Haz had meetings today, and that Chloe would be alone. No one will notice if she went missing.. this could be so bad.
The driver pulls up to the house and I quickly jump out of the car and run inside.
"Chloe?" I call, looking through her room, my room, all the rooms. She's nowhere. Fuck! What the fuck am I gonna do?! I need to check the security cameras.
I make my way through the doors and down the hallway towards Rubins office.
"I need to see the security footage now, Chloe is missi-" I'm cut off my walking in, seeing my girl sitting across from Rubin. She turns around, her eyes lighting up when she sees me.
"Oh my god you're okay!" She exclaims, walking over to me and slamming her body into mine as she hugs me. Rubin let's out a small laugh, but I don't care.
"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" I question.
"You weren't answering.. I just got worried." She shrugs.
"Well I was worried because you weren't answering." I say.
"You can thank Rubin for that. He shattered my phone." She says, pointing down to the broken phone on the floor.
I start to get angry, which Chloe noticed and runs her hand over my arm.
"He wasn't being mean." She explains quickly, which makes me calm down. "That Terry guy called me."
"Hold on, the guy who is trying to find you?!" I ask and she nods.
"He said he's a friend of my dads and that I took something of his. He wants the car." She mutters.
"So I told him I'd kill him, smashed the phone, and I just ordered a new one in her name so we can track his next call." Rubin adds.
"Sounds good." I nod. "Why don't you go pick out a movie and tell Jeanette to make some dinner, I'll be there in a sec."
Chloe nods, walking past me and out of the room. I sigh, kicking her smashed phone on the ground to the side and leaning my weight on the chair in front of me.
"Think he will call again?" I ask.
"Probably, I pissed him off enough, and he seems like he really needs whatever it is that she has." He shrugs.
God I hope he calls again and we're able to track it. If I could just make this world safe for Chloe she could go back to living a somewhat normal life. She could leave the house without fear, she could go to college or do whatever she wants. It'd be great.
"I think you should go for it." Rubin mutters.
"What?" I say.
"With Chloe, I think you should go for it. She's cute." He comments, and while I don't like other guys calling her cute, he's not wrong.
"Believe me, I'm trying." I laugh, and leave his office to head back to my wing of the house.
I step through the doors, seeing Chloe all curled up in a blanket, remote in her hand as she searches through the shows. I walk up behind the sofa, leaning my weight on the back of the couch as I press a kiss to the top of her head. She looks up at me with a big smile, and I feel my heart warm at the sight. She is quite literally my whole world, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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