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A/N: ya lil nastys are always asking me to actually write out the smut so I did but be warned- it sucks.

Tom texted me to go to the conference room, but I can't figure out for the life of my why. I walk through the hallway, saying hi to a few of the guys who are nice to me, and ignoring the ones who look at me weirdly. There's two kinds of guys in this house. The ones who are respectful and the ones who aren't.
I walk through the doors, and the normal conference room that has a big table and chairs is cleared out, and now it has several racks full of floor length dresses, shoes all over, and one woman and one man. I lift my brow at Tom, not quite sure what's going on. This is... a lot.
"Surprise!" He smiles widely.
"What is this?" I ask.
"Your own personal stylists for the Gala. Jose, and Marsha." He says. "They're going to help you pick out the perfect dress."
I feel excitement rise in me, I've never gotten to experience anything like this before. Tom truly does spoil me.
"Thank you!" I squeal, hugging my boyfriend.
"You're welcome darling." He says happily. "I have a meeting to get to, you have fun."
"I will." I say, and he leaves the room, leaving me with the two stylists.
"Oh girl we are gonna totally bring out that little waist of yours!" Jose exclaims.
He grabs my hand, turning me in a slow circle to see my shape which almost makes me a bit uncomfortable, but they know what they're doing.
"She doesn't have much up top." The girl comments.
Jeez. Harsh.
"What colors do you like?" Jose asks.
"Softer colors, pink and mauve mostly, but I also like neutrals." I answer.
"Girl I got you." He says, walking over to one of the racks.
Well, guess it's time to try on tons of dresses. There's a little dressing area set up on one side of the room, and Marsha hangs a few dresses up for me to try. I walk over, and Jose holds the first one out for me.
"This one is my personal favorite." He smiles.
It's a beautiful dusty rose color, made of silk. It has a draped neckline and very thin straps. It's gorgeous.
I'm left in the dressing area on my own, and I pull the dress onto my body. Marsha comes back to help me zip it up, and I feel like my breath is kind of taken away by the beauty of it. I've never worn anything this beautiful in my life..
"Jose, you're going to freak." Marsha says, walking out, and I follow out behind her.
"Oh my god!" Jose gasps. "Absolutely gorgeous!"
I've never been called gorgeous by anyone other than Tom before.. this is so weird for me.
"That dress is stunning on you." Marsha comments.
"Is it okay to just say this is the one? Cause I love it." I say.
"Girl I knew you would." Jose says proudly. "I wish I had a man to get me a dress like that. You're a lucky gal."
"Yeah." I nod. "I am."
Toms still in his meeting, which I knew he would be since I picked out a dress so quickly. I look through the closet at all the high end clothes that were bought for me. He practically had Jeanette buy a whole malls worth of clothes and shoes.
I see a pink lacy lingerie piece that I haven't seen before. It's cute.. I'm sure Tom would think so too.
I pull the piece out, and strip my clothes to put on the slightly complicated and strapped lingerie. How do people get these things on?! Why are there so many holes?!
After about eight minuets, I figure it out and have it placed correctly. I look in the mirror, actually happy with how it looks. I didn't think I'd ever feel this comfortable in my body, but Tom has really helped my confidence.
I have an idea.. a very, very stupid idea.
I grab a big oversized hoodie, putting it on over the top of the lingerie so it looks like I'm dressed, and check the time. He should be done any second now.
I walk down the hallway towards his office. This is very bold of me, I don't do stuff like this. It only takes a few minuets for his doors to open, and I wait patiently as he says goodbye, shaking the two men's hands. They walk off, and he turns to me with a smile, pulling me close.
"Did you find a dress you like?" He asks.
"Yes, you're going to love it." I grin.
"I still have to work a bit, did you need something?" He questions and I bite my lip, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck as I whisper in his ear.
"I think you want to see what's under this hoodie first."
Tom almost instantaneously pulls me into his office, and shuts the door behind him. His hands grip my hips, and he lowers his head down to mine.
"What'd you do pretty girl, hmm?" He hums, lifting the hoodie just enough to see what's underneath. "Got all dressed up to come interrupt my work?"
I can feel my stomach tying into knots, and my mouth goes dry. He makes me feel so flustered. He grabs my jaw, roughly kissing my lips with a heat and intensity that I've only experienced a few times. He's normally soft and gentle. But right now? Soft Tom is gone. I'm okay with that. I like rough Tom. He grabs under my thighs, lifting me to wrap my legs around him. He continues to kiss me as he walks over to his desk, setting me down.
"Take it off." I say to him as he pulls at the hoodie on my body.
"Oh I'm gonna." He states. "But I need to make sure I'm the only one who sees."
He reaches into his drawer, pulling out his gun. He aims it at the camera, and shoots, completely busting it.
"I can't believe you just did that." I shake my head, and he laughs.
"It'll be worth it." He mutters, and pulls the hoodie over my head, throwing it to the floor.
He takes a split second to appreciate my appearance before attacking my jaw with sloppy, needy kisses. I reach my hand down, palming him through his pants which causes him to groan against my skin.
He starts to undo his belt and his pants, pulling them down his legs. He pumps himself a couple times, and grabs at the panties I'm wearing, pulling them to the side to give himself access.
His lips connect with mine once more, and the sensation is interrupted by his entire length pushing into me. I take a sharp inhale of breath and Tom grabs the back of my neck, keeping my face close to his.
"Take it. Just take it." He mutters, moving in and out of me. I can't help but release the moan from my mouth, and his hand slaps over my lips, silencing me and he quickens his pace.
"Shut it. I don't want anyone hearing you." He growls.
I bite my tongue, trying so hard to be good and stay quiet as he quickly works me close to my climax. His hand wraps around my throat, making me look up at him. My fingers grip the desk underneath me, and my stomach flips.
"Come on pretty girl, come apart for me." He says.
That's all it took to make me hit my high. Uncontrollable moans leave my mouth, and he shoves my face into his chest to muffle the sounds. Quickly after he hits his high, riding it out messily as he kisses my lips, grunting in pleasure. He starts to slow down, and eventually comes to a full stop. His forehead rests against mine, and we both breathe heavily from the intense moment.
"That was... so good." He breathes out.
"I think I'll sneak in here wearing lingerie more often." I giggle.
He lovingly kisses me, and we hear a knock on the door.
"You guys aren't slick! We know what you're doing!" Rubin calls and embarrassment kicks in real quick.
"Fuck off!" Tom calls.
He puts his hands on either sides of my face, and simply stares at me.
"Yep. I love you." He giggles, and kisses my nose.

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