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•Chloes Pov•
Tom and I sit on the sofa, under blankets as we finish up eating our dinner. Greys anatomy plays on the TV, and I feel proud of myself for successfully getting Tom into it. I push my empty plate aside, and grab his arm to put over my shoulders, laying my head on his chest. I can feel his body stiffen underneath me, and his hand draws small circles on my back.
"I love you." I say softly.
"I love you too." He mumbles.
I lift my head to look him in the eyes, gaining his full attention.
"No, I mean I love you." I state nervously.
He gives me a funny look, not really following.
"Okay? And I love you too-"
"No Thomas." I groan and he laughs at my frustration.
I simply shake my head at him, grabbing his stupid face in my hands and pulling him in for a deep, passionate kiss. I move my lips against his, trying to use actions instead of words. I pull away, still holding his face.
"I mean I love you." I say once more, but now there is no sign of amusement or laughter, just shock.
"Thomas Holland. I. Love. Yo-"
I'm cut off by him reconnecting our lips, pulling me onto his lap to continue the kiss. I happily let my lips move against his as his fingertips grip at my hips. Every bad, stressful feeling leaves my body, and I let this moment completely consume me. The way his lips feel against mine brings butterflies to my stomach, and a warmth to my heart. He hesitantly pulls away, both of us breathing heavily from the intensity.
"I can't believe you are actually kissing me." He smiles.
"Well believe it because it's happening." I giggle.
"Only took us three years." He mutters.
"That's okay, We've got a whole lifetime ahead of us." I say, and he rests his forehead against mine happily.
He stands up, lifting me with him effortlessly. His lips connect with mine again, kissing me as he walks us down the hallway. I wrap my arms around his neck, to hold myself even closer. My body falls backward onto his bed, and he climbs on top of me, pressing soft kisses down my jawline. Goosebumps rise on my skin at the sensation. My fingertips trail down his back, and scoop underneath his shirt to pull it over his head. He finishes taking the shirt completely off, and then stands to remove his jeans, leaving him in just his boxers. I take the moment to appreciate his body, and how beautiful this boy really is. He leans down, kissing my forehead and plopping in the bed next to me. My brows scrunch together in confusion as I sit up to look at him.
"We- we're not..?" I trail off.
"Darling if you think I'm gonna fuck you when I'm jet lagged you're crazy. Our first time needs to be the best it can be." He says and I frown.
"But you got me all.. worked up." I admit.
"Tomorrow.." he starts, getting close to whisper in my ear. "I am going to take off that little skirt of yours, and I'm going to make you scream my name."
His words make me shiver in excitement. I didn't know Tom was like this.. I always pictured him to be softer.
I'm glad he's not.
"But for now, I'm gonna hold you, and kiss your nose, and I'm gonna make you feel like the most special girl in the world because to me, you are." He says, revealing his soft side as he pulls me into him. The butterflies erupt from his words, and I can't seem to express how much joy I feel in this very moment. I didn't realize that all this time, Tom was holding this part of himself back. I already felt a love from Tom like I've never felt before, but now? This is almost unimaginable. Yet it's real. And I have it.
I wake up in an empty bed, just as I had suspected. He's probably in the office. My suspicions ring true when I see his shit everywhere, and see his favorite tie is no longer sitting on the dresser. A little white note card sits on his pillow next to me, and I grab it. His little notes are so cute.
Didn't want to wake you, you looked too pretty. Jeanette is making you breakfast, and I'll be in my office until 5. Stop by at lunch for a little fun.
I set the note down. A little fun? What does that mean?
I get out of bed, and walk down to the kitchen to see that my breakfast is made and waiting for me at the table. Along side it is a very very large bouquet of flowers with a notecard that has my name on it. I smile widely, pulling the card out.
I have three years worth of romantic gestures that I've bottled up and they're ready to spill out. Heres the first one.
I smell the flowers as I think about how I could totally get used to this. I had no clue how romantic Tom is. This is so sweet.
I sit down and eat my breakfast as I click on his contact to text him.
Chloe: the flowers are so pretty, thank you so much. You're such a sweetie pie🥰
He texts back almost instantly which makes me happy.
Tom: you're welcome pretty girl. Been wanting to spoil you for a while now❤️
I take the morning to get ready, and do some extra special self care since this is the first time in a while that I've felt one hundred percent happy. I dress up cute, wearing a baby pink empire waist mini dress and throw some curls in my hair, which desperately needs to be redyed since my blonde roots have started growing back. I knew I'd regret box dying it dark brown.
I walk through the once forbidden doors, and down the hallway towards Toms office. I see Haz walking towards me, and even though everything between us is good now, it still feels just a little bit awkward.
"Hey." I smile.
"Hey. I uh- I heard you and Tom are.." he trails off.
"Yeah." I nod, now feeling extremely uncomfortable. I didn't realize Tom was going to tell him.
"Just so I know.. did you tell him about our kiss?" He asks.
"No." I shake my head.
"I think that's best.. no reason to create drama where it's unneeded." He says.
I hear a cough, and we both turn to the side, seeing Tom standing there. Jesus Christ how long has he been listening?! So much for not creating drama..
"I think I'd like to steal my girlfriend for a second, unless of course you'd like to make out with her?" Tom says and I feel a pit in my stomach.
Oh no..


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