The final rounds

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"Are you guys ready to go?" Kakashi asked. Sasuke and Y/n nod.

"Your hair has gotten longer Sasuke." Y/n said playfully tugging his hair.

Sasuke glares then smirks.
"Your hair has gotten longer as well perfect for pulling." He whispers. Y/n turns red and elbows him.

"Shut up you pervert." Sasuke chuckles.

Y/n traced her hair as it now reached her butt.
"I think I'm going to get a haircut." Sasuke tied her hair up in a ponytail.

"Your hair looks fine to me."

"Sasuke if I don't cut it I'm soon gonna trip over it."

He shrugs uncaring as he moves the bangs out of y/n's face careful not to tear her bandages.
"Y/n I've been wanting to ask you this since the beginning of training ,but why are you hiding your eyes bandage?" Y/n tensed up.

'That little present Akuma left hasn't completely faded away what should I do? Should I tell him?'

"Oh.. I got hurt." Y/n lied. Sasuke stared at her not believing her excuse.

Having enough of the two's chattering Kakashi got in between the two not liking how close they were.
The scenery changed and they were in front of a crowd.

"Quite a turn out. Sensei when does my battle start?" Y/n asked as the crowd cheered.

"It starts right now." Kakashi replied.

"Great and I don't even who I'm up against..." Y/n mumbled.

"Your opponent will be me y/n." Kakashi said.

"What!" Both sasuke and y/n said shocked.

"Y/n!" Naruto runs over to them.

"Naruto!" Y/n said surprised as she was tackled into a hug.

"Y/n I did it! I defeated Neji and won my battle!" He said cheerfully.

"Really? That's good to hear! I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you beat his butt I bet you did amazing." Naruto blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"It's okay and thanks! Do well in your battle!" Naruto pecks her cheek then runs off and sending Sasuke a glare.

Rubbing her cheek it went unnoticed of. The glares Naruto was receiving by his teammate and sensei.

"Now commencing is the battle most of you have been waiting for Y/n l/n vs. Kakashi Hatake!" The proctor shouts.

The crowd cheers.
"Wish me luck cause I'm probably going to die." Y/n said walking foreward.

Sasuke nods and leaves.
"Good luck."

Y/n stared at Kakashi with her unbidden eye in deep thought.
'Who knew the person I had to fight against was my sensei... did you plan this old man.' Y/n looked up at the Kage's. The hokage smiled down at her while the kazekage stared down at her with an evil glint in his eyes. A jolt of pain then racked up her shoulder.

'Why now I thought I had the curse mark under control! Breathe y/n breathe suppress it.' Sweat builds up on her forehead.
'Must not look weak in front of others.'

"Yip Yip!" The distant sound of barks made it to her ears.
"Huh..." She looked up and found p/n in Sakura's arms with a bow in her fur.

'How adorable.' Y/n thought as she sent p/n a blown kiss. Sakura and a few others go wild as the heart smacks p/n in the face.

Turning back to face the arena a new person arrived at the scene.
"I am the proctor Genma Shirnui! You two will fight until one or the other collapses. Are there any objections?"

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