Chapter 3

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"Girl seriously? ... I would have smacked the shit out of that skinny bitch!"

Mani spoke defensively as I explain my pretty dramatic second day at the office... she was a hell of a lot more ballsy than me, she was this glimmering goddess of confidence that didn't let anything get her down, I always admired her for that and wished that one day it would begin to rub off on me.. it never fucking did though

"Yeah well I'm gonna get the shit kicked out of ME if I don't start standing up for myself.. Camila wasn't happy I just stood there and cried.."

I explain as I sip back on the blissful morning coffee already prepared for me as I walked through the familiar warmth of the bustling coffee shop, Mani had worked there for years as her dad owned it with his brother so it was only destined to be my home away from home...

"Well take the advice sis! They'll only come back if you don't... that was kind of sweet of her though.."

"Sweet? She was literally shouting in my face Mani were you not listening?"

I scold back with rolling eyes remembering the moment clearly in my mind.. I felt like a criminal..

"She stopped you from leaving to tell you to stand up for yourself.. she was helping you! Maybe a little unconventionally but still.. the thought was there"

She explain only forcing me to think differently on the situation, she did stop me from leaving.. maybe that was just her twisted way of helping me?

"I guess you're right.. the only problem is I have to go back in there today and re fold the entire lot.."

"Well good luck with that... text me anyway, I love this whole drama show you have going on!"

She giggled handing over the usual tray of coffee as I stood from the stool with rolling eyes sliding my headphones back into my ears as I made way towards the office not bothering to even ponder what kind of chaos I was in for.. last nights little underwear shoot still had me majorly shaken..


"Soooo... did you print the photos for Ally?"

"Yup, right here!"

Camila spoke spritzing her signature perfume across her bare neck as the designer grasped hold of the glossy photos in front scanning his brown eyes over the ivory body with an evidently shocked smile before noticing a spare sat beside the woman's keyboard mischievously

"Uhh what's that one for? Misprint?"

He ushered before her slender fingers drag it from the desk opening up the drawer in her desk to place it neatly inside smirking back with a smug glint as she slam it shut loudly

"Nope! that one's mine!"

Sam roll his eyes dropping his arms beside his thighs with a suggestive stare scoffing slightly as the cheeky yet confident grin failed to leave the woman's fresh face

"Mama I- know what I don't even blame you that girls body was.. I mean I'm gay but holy fuck.. ZACH GET YOUR FINE ASS IN HERE!"

He called out in his usually chirpy voice before a curly haired well dressed man came running into the office instantly shocked as the stack of photos were shoved deep into his palms

"Wow shit.. who is that? She looks BAD!"

"That spicy mama is Miss Camila's new runner.."

The second man lift his eyes in shock parting his lips gently as he let out a cheeky grin side eyeing Sam before looking on at Camila who stood more smug than ever folding her arms in front of her chest

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