Chapter 10

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The next day after fumbling to gather some borrowed clothes both girls arrived into the office with beaming smiles and happy smirks as they separate off into different directions to start their mundane day of dauntingly boring tasks

"Shit you're in a good mood today mama? What gives?"

Sam gasp as Camila's slender body enter the office with a glowing face and positive attitude sitting down gently behind her desk with the mans coffee in hand

"Samuel I can't.."

She smirks running her hand through the thick locks of hair before logging onto the computer beside her watching as Sam lean across the desk to try and figure out what had the girl squirming like a child on Christmas

"Girl you better SPILL!"

He muttered as his boss lean back into the chair behind her crossing one thigh over the other before parting her glossy lips to speak

"All I'm saying is that I had my pussy ate last night!"

Sam gasp back excitedly tapping his hands furiously into the desk trying his hardest not to scream out and catch the entire attention of the floor just metres away from his spot... it was evident the pair told each other everything about their life's as such a detail would usually be one to approach in a gentler fashion

"No! Fucking! Way! By Miss runner out there? Are you serious?"

Camila nod back biting down onto her lower lip with a mischievous grin she was admittedly proud of as Sam's intrigued eyes almost bulged from within their sockets

"But you told me she'd never been with a girl before? How did she-

"I have no idea but that girl knows what the fuck she's doing.."

Sam shook his head in astonishment unaware his sweet little evening friend had such a confident bedroom demeanour... he wasn't shocked however that Camila was the one to bring it out of her..

After a few more moments of rambling gossip a loud shouting brawl could be heard from just outside of the door leading both Sam and Camila to quickly lift from their spots slamming through the half cracked door only to wittiness two girls fighting on the floor, Camila caught her breath upon realising Lauren wasn't the one involved.. she was just watching cautiously from afar thankfully

The woman strut confidently towards the middle of the floor folding her arms pausing the fight immediately with just the intimidating stare alone.. the tension was wild and within seconds both girls let go of each other's hair falling back into the ground beside each other

"Get.. the fuck.. up...NOW!"

The floor fell silent as both girls stumble to stand in front of the woman straightening out their expensive loaned dresses and tangled messy hair, the crowd quickly form around them as the young business woman unfold her arms reaching forward to rip the numbers from their chests... Camila didn't bother to learn names.. it would be next to impossible considering the amount of models she had charge of so took the Liberty of providing number badges to everyone instead

"We're supposed to leave for Paris in a week! So tell me why the fuck you two are fighting on my polished floors rather than prepping your shit!"

Neither had a response at first as the Paris trip in question was one every model lust after accompanying their boss on.. it was lavish and fancy.. filled with free alcohol and midnight swims, the main event being a 300 million dollar fashion show in which the Karla line would walk.. it was every girls dream of attending..

"W-We um... we c-couldn't.."

One girl began unable to spit her words out before Camila patronisingly checked down at the watch on her wrist sighing out with a raised brow as she scan her eyes back up into the girls nervous eyes

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