Chapter 42

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"Ok so, what do you buy a billionaire for Christmas?"

Mani spoke under a giggle as she walked over to sit beside Fallon who immediately sighed back moving her thigh away unnoticed as Lauren huffed out with rolling eyes

"Why does billionaire have anything to do with it... she's a normal person Mani? She likes normal things..."

"Yeah well I know that but.. Is she not picky on brands and shit?"

Lauren shook her head with pouted lips, her entire home was filled with small cute things... the most expensive things in there being the Jewels and various dresses.. everything else was just well.. normal..

"Not really? I mean she wears brands but only because she has too.. when we're at home she just wears thrift store tees and underwear..."

Mani smiled back softly issuing a pair of heart eyes at Lauren's choice of wording.. it was cute to see her so in love and she couldn't help but swoon over the way she addressed their relationship.. Fallon however only rolled her eyes into her phone trying best to tune out as she scroll through her various social media's

"It's so cute you call it home.. you basically live there.. do you have a key yet or?"

"No... I mean she only has one key and I'll take it when I leave before her but I don't know.. she hasn't officially asked me to live with her yet"

She beamed twirling the bottom of her skirt between her fingertips noticing the way Fallon had left the conversation to tend to her screen, normally she'd make fun or like some kind of comment but she just sat there.. oblivious

"She will! I can feel it! I really like her you know.. she's good for you!"

"I think she is too.. I mean even when I'm super sad you know like that stomach dropping sad.. she just makes me feel so happy? Not just that but she helped me figure out that I'm actually pretty good at the whole dirty talk thing.."

Mani's lips fell open with an excitable proud scoff as she lift her palms to her cheeks watching the elder blush profusely into her comment while Fallon again rolled her eyes crossing one leg over the other to lean back into the couch

"Oh my god Laur.. I never thought I'd see the day! Wait.. does she like that stuff? Like is she vanilla or..."

"Far from Vanilla... she's pretty deceiving.. although I guess so am I at this point.."

Both girls laughed back lavishing in Lauren's new found confidence that seemed now only to be fully forming into her natural personality.. she'd always cringe at the thought of dirty talk.. it didn't feel right.. but the way Camila trembled against her ear dragging her nails up and down her back only made her want to sing those dirty whispers all night long..

"Well if that's the case... I think I have a few Christmas ideas for you! Fallon you think she'd like the thing we bought last week?"

The woman quickly snapped back into the conversation with a shaking head lifting from the couch immediately eliciting a joint confusion between the other girls as they watch her shove her phone deep into her side pocket

"I don't want to talk about their sex lives! What happened to a little bit of privacy fuck!"

Fallon groaned storming back into the bedroom slamming the door harshly behind her leaving Lauren scanning her eyes back down towards her best friend begging for some kind of clarity in the weird behaviour.. the mousy brown never usually shied away from such talk.. in fact she was usually the one to start it

"Ok, she's acting super fucking weird lately.. what is her problem?"

Lauren finally spoke as the sound of music blaring from the room hid their conversation, Mani sighed out defeatedly leaning down into her elbow with a thought provoking grimace the elder immediately knew to be worrisome

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