Chapter 43

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Ya'll ain't ready tho...


Camila sat sketching in the corner of the couch as she did most evenings just drifting off into her own world while Lauren stood in the kitchen sipping back on a cold glass of water, her eyes rolling over her girlfriends sides still going strong in their little game of who breaks first.. she felt fine.. never better actually however she knew the younger to be struggling significantly from her side of the battle..

Last night in bed she turned over to kiss her and instantly flew blush as Lauren's hands expertly graze over her hips, she reluctantly pulled back shuffling away with a smirk and shaking head denying herself the privilege of giving in as she knew in that moment she wouldn't have been able to take even another second.. Lauren only laughed falling into a sound sleep while Camila spent most of the night hating her decision.. today wasn't much better either as Lauren had spent the majority of the day walking around in skimpy underwear pulling out all the stops to break down her guard

"Camz I'm going to bed.. coming?"

Her brown eyes flit up from the book with a soft nod as she dragged herself from the mounds of covers to follow Lauren in, her eyes widening as she stripped off her bra and panties to get in completely naked.. it wasn't unusual but given her current desperation and deprivation from any kind of sexual contact her centre only immediately began to throb, she jumped in the other side facing away from her black lengths of hair only to be pulled back into her gaze

"You can't go to sleep without kissing me first!"

Lauren spoke in cheeky smirking voice using the palm of her hand to drag the girls hips firmly against her body eliciting a small gasp as her lips fell crashing into her own, the small whimpering moans proving how badly she wanted to pull away to save the game but Lauren didn't seem to want to let her, instead she grabbed a firm hold on her ass dragging her nails over the skin pulling back only her lips to watch the look of temptation drive itself across her face

"This isn't fair! You're killing me right now!"

"Then just give in! Because I'm not loosing this game Cabello!"

The younger shook her head reluctantly only regretting her decision more as the elder rolled her eyes this time planting her lips on the underside of her lightly panting throat, her hot tongue tracing circles around the exposed skin while her hand grabbed again at her plump cheeks, the moan just above her weak and breathy indicating to Lauren that the end was soon near

"Be stubborn as much as you want Camila! We both know you're not gonna be able to hold out much longer!"

Lauren pressed before her teeth but down harshly against her pulse point sending the younger girls hips bucking up into her thigh, a sensation that had caught her off guard as she felt her spine begin to tingle in frustration, the smooth hands rolling over her back and sweet smelling perfume flooding her senses all the much appealing...

"Fine! Fine! Fuck it you win! I loose! I can't take it anymore Lauren please! Just stop teasing me!"

Lauren pulled away with a jerk like smirk as she sat to lean on her elbow lavishing in the breathless mess that reach up to try and drag her body back into her embrace.. she didn't respond however, only sat an stared as she bit down cockily against her lip

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